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 Jenin’s wedding is coming closer day after day; it’s two days from now, which is a Friday. It’d be an understatement to say we didn’t have time to eat or go to the toilet, we literally worked our butts off. Shopping for the furniture, for the dress, for new pajamas, towels, toilet papers, toothbrushes, slippers, hairdryer, curtains, rugs, bed sheets, bathroom accessories, kitchen machines, cook, oven, microwave, and everything you would and wouldn’t guess.

Jenin decided on five dresses and each time she would change her mind at the last minute until she finally settles on one. The wedding planner meets with us almost on daily-basis and I’m starting to feel she’s become a member of our family.

Zeyad had bought an apartment two month ago, after too much searching for a house and finding nothing he could buy with the money he has, as his parents refused to help him (or just his mother actually, who succeeded in convincing her husband). However, and looking at the bright side, an apartment is so much easier and quicker to decorate and furnish than a house.

It’s Wednesday morning, Jenin and mom went for more shopping, while Abed and I have to meet with Somaya, the wedding planner.

My phone screen lights up with a text from Adam on the group chat.

Adam: What are you up to today?

Me: Meeting Somaya

Adam: Aha I see

Mariam: He sure wanted to see you *wink*

Adam: …

Mariam: It’s been two months since the last time you guys met!

I consider saying this for a moment, but my fingers are faster than my brain sometimes.

Me: Abed and I are having lunch together once we’re done, would you both like to join us?

Mariam: Is that okay?

Me: Sure it is

Adam: Okay then, I’ll pass by Mariam, bring her and come

Mariam: Yay! I missed you Lee

Me: I missed you too L

Me: So, see you

Adam: See you

Mariam: See you

I call dad and tell him that Mariam and Adam would have lunch with Abed and me today and he says okay.

My phone lights up again announcing another text from Mariam, this time it’s a private conversation.

Mariam: Have I ever told you?

Me: Told me what?

Mariam: Adam hates texting, he probably never texted me before this group chat

Me: Really?

Mariam: Yes, he says life is too short to text :D

Me: Wow, I never knew

Mariam: Love changes people you know ;)

Me: *poker face*

Mariam: Hahahah

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