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Dedicated to that friend I wouldn't know what to do without. Someone who's always there for me and whom I love too much honestly. I would never find a person like her, and I would never lose her because I just can't. 

Hey, israa, just thank you. <3




It’s Thursday; Mariam’s graduation is today.

It’s 5:00 p.m. and we’re supposed to be there at six. Mariam comes downstairs wearing the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. Her hijab is perfect, no makeup at all. Just stunning.

I’ve been waiting in my black suit for fifteen minutes and it’s really uncomfortable I wanted to take it off as soon as possible. But when I saw Mariam I couldn’t wait to watch her graduating, and maybe freeze the moment for an eternity.

Mom tears as Mariam walks toward us, and when she finds the five of us staring at her she blushes. Mom kisses her forehead and takes a red velvet box that’s been on the Saloon table and opens it revealing a golden necklace with an emerald stone hanging from it.


A shiver suddenly travels down my spine. This is an emerald stone. That color, that green. . . those eyes.

“ADAM!!” Mariam is screaming in front of my face.

“Yes?” I reply confusedly.

“I was asking you how does it look on me?”


“Mom (may Allah have mercy on her) has given me this necklace when I graduated too,” mom says. “So it should be passed to my first daughter.”

“Thank you, mom,” Mariam says giving mom a hug.

“What about your second daughter?” Aya says with a little frown.

“I have something for her too,” mom laughs. “Just do graduate,” she teases her.

“I’ll do, Inshallah,” Aya narrows her eyes. “I’ll even be better than the three of them,” she says then pauses, “Add Hend and Ahmed.”

“I wished Ahmed would come with us, and Malek too,” mom says sadly.

“I wished that too,” Mariam says. “But we couldn’t have more than these tickets.”

“Where are you gonna leave Malek, Hend?” mom asks her.

“Mom is in Saudi Arabia doing an Umra as you know,” she says. “So I’ll leave him with my sister.”

“We’ll have to leave before you so we drop him off on our way,” Omar says motioning towards the door.

“Okay, we’ll meet you there,” I say.

After the graduation ceremony-and taking infinite pictures and selfies with Mariam and the others-, Omar and I decide to take them to a nearby restaurant and have dinner out tonight.

We get in and choose a table for seven as Omar and Hend has passed Hend’s sister to bring Malek, and mom (ironically not me) has called Ahmed over.

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