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I see Adam on Sunday and it’s the first time I feel and realize that this person means to me somehow. It means to me that he was in Malaysia and came back a couple of days ago. It means to me that he came to drop his nephew off this morning. It means to me that he drinks coffee with one sugar spoon. It means to me that he was wearing black shoes, and what brand his car is, and that he likes processed cheese and dislikes milk. It will all mean to me soon.

I figure out that I know too much about him, but I don’t know him. Today, seeing the guy I’m getting engaged to soon, inshallah, was just like seeing anybody else, we did not talk or share a glance. It was all so weird, but I was happy. I was happy he knew our limits, maybe his limits with anyone. I was happy to get that feeling that I can trust that person. I want to trust him.

After school, I attend my Korean class, and call Jenin who’s supposed to be done working by now. She tells me we’ll meet at the mall and I say it’s fine, then hang up and call Mariam.

“Asslamu’alikon, Lee!” she says once she picks up.

“W’alikom Asslam,” I smile although she can’t see it. “I’ll see you at the mall today, inshallah?”

“Yes, inshallah. But I just might be a little late,” she says.


“Aya has my car today, and I’ll have to wait until someone comes and drives me,” she explains.

“I can collect you if that’s fine,” I suggest.

“Where are you?” she asks.

“I’ve just finished my Korean class, I’m almost ten minutes from where you work.”

“Is it okay for you?”

“Of course it is! I’ll be there immediately. Wait for me.”

“Thank you,” she says.

“Anytime,” I say and we hang up.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m in the car with Mariam in the passenger’s seat. “So,” she starts, “Do you think of wearing a specific color?”

“Mmm,” I think for a while. “I don’t know, I was thinking about dark blue maybe?”

“Haven’t you thought of green?” she asks.


“Wear an emerald green dress,” she says.

“Emerald?” I ask in bewilderment.

“Yes, like your eyes’ color.”

“Oh,” I say. “My eyes are emerald green?” I laugh.

“Haven’t you ever looked in the mirror?” she laughs too.

“I just haven’t thought of emeralds,” I explain.

“It’s the first thing that came to my mind when I first saw you.”

“Really?” I laugh. “I’m flattered.”

“So, you’ll look for a green dress?”

“If you think it’s gonna look good, I’m gonna wear one.”

“It’ll look dazzling!”

On Thursday, the house is so crowded I can barely wake. Jenin looks breathtaking in her black dress, which shows off her pale green eyes amazingly, they almost sparkle.

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