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I finish praying Al-Isha and turn on the laptop to watch an episode of Boys Over Flowers, when my phone beeps. I look at the screen and may have kept staring for a quite long time because I get another message from Mariam on our private conversation.

Mariam: Why aren’t you saying anything, you’re online!

Me: I don’t know, I was a little surprised

Mariam: Fine enough shooting hearts and say something there :P

Shooting hearts?! Okay, that was mean, Mariam. I laugh to myself.

Me: Shouldn’t he start talking?

Mariam: Okay, you’re right

Mariam: Let’s wait for him then

Me: Okay

Mariam: Hey Lee

Me: Yes?

Mariam: I’ve thought of letting you talk because he’s not feeling well

Me: What happened?

Mariam: He had a fight with Omar

Mariam: It’s a long story; I think it’s better if he tells you about it himself

Me: And how can I help?

Mariam: I know you will be of great help

Mariam: Just be there for him

Me: Of course!

Me: Okay.

There’s another message on the group conversation.

Adam: How are you doing Leen?

Me: Alhamdulillah, what about you?

Mariam: Call her Lee

Mariam: She loves that

Adam: Lee? *smirk*

Mariam: Yup!

Adam: Okay, I like it too

Mariam: Where did you go Lee?

Me: Here

Adam: Are we talking much of your time?

Me: No, no, I’m free

I shut the laptop down. This is the first time I give up my Korean dramas to talk to someone actually. But this is the first time ever I get butterflies because of a real person. Shouldn’t I give up a drama for my Korean reality?

Lots of Korean drama fans would keep saying that every girl deserves a Korean prince. And I guess I have already found mine.

Adam: Should the three of us have lunch together tomorrow?

My heart bounds so hard it almost jumps out of my rib cage.

Mariam: I absolutely say YES!

Me: I think I’m okay with it too

Me: I’ll just ask my parents

Mariam: GREAT!

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