Chapter 3: Just Another Extras: Bad Girls

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The irritating ringing of the alarm clock forced my vivid dream to come to a halt, compelling me to open my eyes. I so wish I had another way of waking myself up instead of this way, but I have nothing else at my disposition; not even someone. Such was the fate of the one whose both parents have long abandoned her.

Gazing at the full-body mirror, it did not take a while for my swollen eyes to be apparent.

I still remember the night I met him.

The clouds emptied themselves of the water vapor they couldn't bear to hold anymore. For a reason I know not, my umbrella was misplaced then. How strange, I have no tendency to do such a thing. All my life, I have carefully held my belongings so close to me. Why wouldn't I? There were only a few things in my life, and it was an arduous task to earn each of them.

Still, it was my carelessness that night that led to our fateful encounter. I eventually found my refuge in a bookstore that was still, thankfully, open. Therein, I found him.

Although he did not possess the prettiest face Earth could possibly offer, he lived his life in a way that positively influenced the people around him. Wherever he went, the masses would always flock by his side and his smile would drive worries away. Perchance, that could be why he is endeared by many— a sentiment I soon began to share the more I spent time with him.

His kindness touched the coldest heart and he would willingly give what he could to those in need, even if nothing was left for him. Others have called him a fool for this. But I beg to disagree. This man was way more than that.

He was preposterous.

Although Xander already knew that it bent the laws of reason and common sense, he'd still go out of his way to be kind to those who previously harmed him. I wonder how much naivety and foolishness a man should have to reach such levels. He'd still smile even though he was hurting inside. And most importantly, he weighed the needs of others over his own.

But just like any other side character, he died so that the main character wouldn't.

Screw the author for breaking my heart like that.


With the first semester coming to a close, the next one greeted us with a blithe opening week. Quite peculiar, the former did not treat us with such kindness. Instead, they magnificently demonstrated the terror of what is to come in the following academic year. With the bell ringing through the hallways, class activity came to a temporary halt. Like wolves returning to their packs, the multiple factions within this very classroom slowly became evident.

Therefore, staying here would make me stick out like a sore thumb.

Having no one to share my laughter and desk with, I contemplated whether I should eat my lunch on the rooftop or in the toilet. However, I came to the realization that the latter was a depository of human waste. Eating at such a location wasn't exactly the brightest idea, but I guess the idea of being concealed while in the act is the alluring benefit.

But no, we'll scratch that for now.

While making my way up the stairs that would lead to the rooftop, I noticed that no one had similar ideas — which works perfectly in my favor.

As expected, Mr. Kenny's bread is amazing, a thought that continuously circled my mind as I took each bite in my mouth. Not only that, even though his price is very cheap, every bit is worth the penny! Oh, what a rarity in a world so expensive. Drowned in bliss, I was able to barely perceive five girls walking together towards me.

And what do we know, they have such mean faces. Must be the bad girls everyone's talking about.

"Give us your lunch money, nerd!"

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