Chapter 13: Bad Girl Gets Lung Cancer

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"Honestly, I wish you stopped smoking right before this moment." A frown etched itself on my face. "The flowers were expensive, you know."

"No one asked you to do that," she retorted as I carefully laid down the flowers on the white vase. The same color as her bedsheet.

Ken quickly struck her with a look that made her irritated expression falter.

"Oh, and since you're a fan of Molly, I thought I'd bring you the news that her volleyball team has won the nationals," I added.

"I already know that." Diane sneered. "Also, how insolent of you to call her by that name. You've probably not even been granted the chance to speak a word to her."

"Or if you even were, you'd probably just be her slave who only does her Math homework," she retorted, feeling a bit prideful in her words.

Geez, not even lung cancer can prevent this girl from running her mouth. I'm starting to regret buying these flowers. Probably should have saved it for her funeral.

A chuckle escaped my lips, "Jokes on you, she scores better than me in Math. In fact, she scores better than everyone else in Math. Not even Cassandra herself could defeat her in the subject."

"The worst part is, she's not even trying."

As ever the obnoxious person who only cared about their affairs, Diane looked surprised. I imagined she would be oblivious to anything academic-related, but not to this extent. Especially when it involved the person she idolized the most.

"It took me by surprise too," a voice in the back stated. Slowly turning my gaze to the source allowed me to see that it was Xavier. "Who would have expected the famous bad girl of Celestial North Academy to excel the most in Math, or just anything related to academics? I guess that's a prestigious academy for you."

"There were even rumors that she would have been awarded the best in the country had she not fought with one of her fellow competitors."

Molly had one of the best brains out there. No sarcasm or joke involved. If only she listened to her desires less.

There was a short pause in the conversation before a familiar one decided to step in.

"If I remember correctly," Lucas starts rubbing his chin in an effort to recall something. It's always been one of his unattractive habits. "Vanessa's in the same class as yours, right?" He proceeded to look at me. "Eliza."

"Well, yeah," I answered, unbothered; opposite of Diane who was probably starting to question her life. Having lived differently, there was no way for me to ever know what was running through her head. To many bad girls like her, Molly was a person they looked up to. "A lot of times, I'm grateful that we're classmates. Calculus would have been so much harder without her guidance."

There was nothing else to talk about; the initial objective had already been accomplished. Henceforth, staying would only be a waste of time. If only Molly didn't arrive at the same time as my decided departure.

Don't you just hate it when all you want is to go home and sleep, yet people keep interrupting for no reason?

Yeah, me too.

"Eli!" she cheerfully greeted, ambushing me into a bone-crushing hug. "You look great in all black as always! But don't you have any other color in your wardrobe?"

"No, except if extremely needed."

Molly laughed while releasing the h

ug and proceeded to eye everyone in the room. For a split second, I was able to see her glare toward Diane before it quickly faded away. Must have been updated with current events. After all, it's Molly we're talking about.

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