Chapter 10: Here Comes The "bAd gIRLsSss" Again

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Welp, so much so for what the previous hours hyped me up. I thought I would at least gain an acquaintance. But at the rate everything's going, looks like that will be nothing but a distant dream.

Poor her though. She must have been so deprived of his attention that she resorted to such foolish decisions.

Still, such an event that arose from a lack of interaction just seems inconceivable, no matter which angle we look at. Think, we're talking about Lucas. The claim would have been far more credible if the person in question was anyone except him.

Oh, well. Whatever the truth is, it's not my place to be in. Hence, I set my sights on heading home without giving it any further thought.

That was the original plan. Until Natalia decided to randomly surprise me from behind in an effort to replace my poker face. It did work, and when I confronted her about it, she responded by inviting me to a shopping spree.

Which led me to this current situation. A mere observer from the faraway distance as the wife of a multi-millionaire struggled to select the best dress that would make her even more gorgeous. My mistake, I was supposed to be a companion. However, it seems I wasn't up to the task. After all, my financial status cannot even hope to stand equally with hers. It will only look even more pathetic.

There was no point in hiding it. Therefore, I explicitly informed Natalia of my affliction. To my great dismay, she nonchalantly waved it off. It didn't impress me either when she told me not to sweat it; that she'll take care of everything without questions. As if shopping sprees won't always consume more than what is necessary. A gesture that subtly reminded me of her offspring. Though it appears that his image might have originated from his father's side.

We eventually came to an agreement that she'd shoulder all the finances. A matter she herself brought forth to make up for the impromptu trip. But that did not serve as sufficient preparation for what lay in wait at our destination. It was then that I realized my assumptions were far too insipid. If only I had allowed a large margin of error in my computations, perhaps the overwhelming reality would not have met my soul with so much force.

My presumptions included us spending the afternoon in a bonggacious mall. But it did not include us literally paying every designer store a visit. And in every designer store, Natalia made sure to at least buy five items— minimum. There isn't a maximum amount. This means it could exceed numbers I can't even begin to fathom.

What's even more surprising is that not a single cent has accompanied her today. All it took was one swipe of a single piece of plastic for her to buy everything she desired. Nothing was too expensive, not even the whole store.

As I watched from the sidelines, she motioned me to come closer. Upon obliging, she held out a dress with an intricate geometrical design.

"My dear son has mentioned a few times that nothing interests you except Math and that you'll quickly turn your heels if it's Trigonometry," Natalia gleefully professed. "So maybe any clothing that speaks Math would have you delighted?"

No, I'm actually a minimalist. Everything in my possession has little to no design.

"Excuse me," she gestured to the saleslady with a smile, "are there any clothes that have geometric designs here?"

Too late.

And that's the story of how I now own a bunch of clothes that don't fit with the rest of my wardrobe.

It honestly baffled me. How can Natalia overpower me so much that everything she says instantly makes me nod? Is this the power of extroverts? Did I underestimate it too much? Is there an existing method to escape this predicament?

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