Chapter 15: Still Single

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The past school year has been hectic, as always with all the previous ones. Changes everywhere, new experiences, and all that stuff. Sometimes, it felt like I couldn't breathe, but alas, that too has passed.

And now, we're here. Where the road ends and a new one begins.

Can't exactly say happiness floods me, however, a sense of accomplishment did dwell when I was able to be more than just Cassandra's shadows. Even if it was just once. Though looking at the big picture, it seems like an effort in vain because divided by four quarters, the once-in-a-lifetime soccer prodigy still triumphs.

"Honey, are you nervous?"

A small chuckle escaped my lips, "Not really. But neither am I thrilled. Guess it's just a neutral type of feeling."

Natalia laughed, "Why? Is it because you got too used to going up to the stage that you don't feel excited anymore?"


Graduations typically require a parent to overlook this huge milestone in your life. However, being an orphan has stripped you of both a mother and a father, which therefore led me to look for a temporary guardian. Thankfully, Natalia consented on accompanying me today.

As names and names were called, the sound vibrating through the entirety of the stadium, I patiently sat — awaiting my turn. When it finally came to be, I did what I've always done throughout the years. I headed upstage, shook a lot of hands, and faked a smile in front of multiple cameras — including one that wasn't supposed to be there.

Screw you, Lucas. No one invited you to my graduation, you loser.

"What's with that face?" he asked in response to the displeasure written all over my face. "You had such a pretty smile back then, what happened to it?"

"You stole it," came my grumpy reply.

"Eh?" He looked confused. "That's not supposed to be right. I steal hearts, not smiles."

"Well, well, well." Wow, that voice is something I can never forget. "Look at who we have here."

Seems like the culprit has shown its face. "So it was you!" I exclaimed with my index finger pointing towards sweet sweet Liliabeth.

"Why? Did you think he came for you?" As always with the twisted expression, I see. "Of course, he came for me—"

She didn't get to finish her sentence. I didn't let her. Normally, my self-control would not be this terrible, but on an important date such as this? No, no, no. This warrants a grab in the collar.

"Why on God's green lands did you invite this loser?" I said calmly.

Yep, calmly. No lies there.

She released herself from my fists with an even infuriated face. "Ha! We're family. It's only natural for him to be here." The seeming yandere looks me up and down with a clear sense of displeasure. "And would you look at you, seems like a slut can also garner an award or two."

"Well, at least I don't have a crush on my cousin."

The remark didn't seem to delight her as it only cultivated her rage. "What did you say?!"

Before she could successfully grab my collar, Lucas intervened and put himself between us. "Alright, that's enough. I don't know why you two are on bad terms, but stop bickering."


He turns and gives me a face that says 'Really?'.

"She's the one who started it. She called me a slut!" Wow, what a classic. Playing the victim card now, eh?

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