Chapter 9: I Don't Have Time for Your Insecurities

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Phew. Finally finished the last one.

Geez, I heavily underestimated the power of coffee, thinking that twelve chapters would suffice for the iced coffee I drank. In hindsight, that was a grave mistake that cost me hours of sleep. On the other hand, half of the books were taken off the list instead of just four. Thanks to that, only one Awards remain.

Let me tell you, I'm completely exhausted. Good thing it's a Saturday.

Upon clicking the paper plane button, I hurriedly shut down my laptop and proceeded to lie down. It would usually take me thousands of constant flipping to get the perfect sleeping position. But tonight was different. My eyelids and consciousness wasted no time giving in to the fatigue.

Soon, everything was black. From where I stood to the sky above me. There were no clouds. Just an empty abyss. Strangely enough, my figure wasn't bathed in the same darkness. It was perfectly visible to my eyes. Something that defied both logic and reason.

For what felt like hours, my feet continuously walked, only for my eyes to be greeted with the same scenery again and again. No matter where I looked, there were neither chirping birds nor standing obstacles anywhere. Not even a single grass. Silence perfectly reigned over the whole place. So much so that even I couldn't utter a word. It's not like conscious efforts were being made, it's just that my mind was ignoring a totally normal course of action.

Time was a thing that was unable to be grasped here, and everything felt instant at once. Yet, there was nothing.

And just like every other dream I had, I forget about them the moment I wake up.

5:00 AM. No alarm clock this time, but the wake was executed precisely; not even a tiny excess stood. Perhaps this was what others call a miracle. Certainly, it must be. Such an occurrence has been unveiled to me multiple times. Even so, they never fail to entertain each time.

Now, you might be thinking, who wakes up at 5 in the morning on a Sunday when you can just continue sleeping until noon? I remember that one of our teachers once held an activity wherein you would narrate your weekend routine to your partner. Mine started laughing uncontrollably matched with their index finger pointing towards me when I mentioned my own. They were too bewildered to take my words to heart; a statement I understand very well.

Of course, I was formerly dwelling in the very same mindset. Until the realization hit me.

Sleeping less would enable me to read more.

That's where everything began. As they say, sacrifices have to be made.

It was necessary to sacrifice a matter that plays an important role in your physical health in order to consume more content. Why not? After all, sleep is for the weak.

Crazy? Nah, I'm just too passionate for the populace. They don't understand what it's like to dedicate your whole life to reading and still wouldn't be able to finish every book out there! It's barbarous. Like, could there even be a greater tragedy?

I dedicate all my Sundays to reading from dawn to dusk. An affair that is, without a doubt, non-assailable. Saturdays could be begrudgingly negotiated to handle overwhelming tasks that couldn't be terminated during the past five days. This includes group work, part-time jobs, and interns. Anything beyond that would have me turning into a feral beast because life's just invading too much of my sanity.

Aside from reading non-stop once a week, none of the events transpiring today is worth noting. Except that my average consumption of meals and water greatly decreases due to the same reason. Hence, I tend to save more. Then again, that's probably not the healthiest thing to do.

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