Chapter 5: Perhaps This Is Fate

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A whole week that constantly proves I have neither the athletic talent nor skill to gain some applause and a few medals. For years, loitering around while said event was occurring has always been the tradition. I have never spent a single second in my life doing otherwise.

Feeling the tremendous warmth of the sun on my skin while wandering from place to place like a vagabond, one would question if I even was a student of the academy. Had I not been wearing the designated uniform, there would be nothing to refute their belief.

Despite all that, I find sports a fascinating thing. It may just be a massive consumer of energy from an outsider's perspective. But to the people within the court, to the players, to the coaches, to the trainers, and to those who use every last oxygen in their lungs to vouch for those they adore, you could perhaps compare it to the blood flowing in their veins.

Others would likely be astonished at my being fancying activities that I do not specifically partake in. It is true that reading and writing are my souls, and outside that is an entirely different world that I usually actively disregard. Still, that does not mean that I could never be mesmerized by the things I don't engage in. Sports was one of those things, particularly soccer.

"Goal! Cassandra crushes it again! And now, the White Jaguars are leading with three points!"

Watching from the sidelines comes across as creepy from multiple contexts, especially if this involves darkness masking your face. Depending on the circumstances, this stunt could even be interpreted as an assassination attempt underway.

"Oh, what's this? Lucy broke through the two defenders in one swift motion!"

As much as I'd like to say that nothing could be further from the truth, there are no credentials to prove my innocence. Furthermore, going out in the open would only expose me to the very entities I grew to dislike.

"At long last, the Yellow Tigers have finally broken past the White Jaguars' defense! Lucy is right in front of the goal already!"


"Will they be able to reclaim a point and turn things around? Or will Rea, the goalkeeper, be able to stop this attack?"

Therefore, it's perfectly fine for things to stay the way they are.

"WaaAaaH! It's too bad! Rea was able to perfectly stop the ball!"

The first day of this sports event went the way it had been for the past few years. Both silent and loud. It was as if my world was entirely different from theirs. The location did not diverge, yet it felt like they were so far away. It's crazy to think that as life goes on for people, their social life also progresses. They meet new people, acquire friends, and eventually find partners. When things get rough, the bond between them would either be strengthened or severed.

Then there's me. The one who's always been in the same place. Like a circle, I go around and around, reaching the same destination over and over again. Contrary to others, the people in my life just come and go. Never to return.

No one has stayed by my side.

Not even the ones who brought me into this world.

And each time I arrive at the corresponding place again, it feels like a piece of me vanishes into thin air, with each fragment bidding farewell. For the last time.

I wonder if I'll live the rest of my life like this.

Would this madness cease?

Or would it extend throughout my lifetime?

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