Chapter 4

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"It's okay little man, daddy's here."

When Naruto woke up warm and safe the second morning, he was confused. He kept expecting to wake up at that bad place with all the mean ladies and the older kids that were mean to him too. The man lying next to him had his arm around him. It felt nice, but sometimes people were nice to him to get close to him, then they would hurt him. They always hurt him. Sometimes they made him sleep outside. But still, he felt so warm and comfortable. Would that man hurt him? He got out of the bed and stood in the corner so he could watch him.

He was hungry. He got cold, standing there alone. He tugged at his wet diaper; the urine irritated his rash and it hurt. He wanted it off, but his footed pajamas wouldn't come off. He pulled at the clothing until he was able to yank an arm out then the other. He tried to push it down, but it was stuck. He gave a whine of frustration.

Kakashi heard the noise and awoke; Naruto was not in the bed with him. He looked around the room and spotted him in the corner watching him. He had that look of distrust in his eyes and his pajamas were half off. "What's the matter, pup? Are you okay?" he asked. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I will never hurt you."

He wasn't really expecting the boy to answer him, but he had hoped for some sort of acknowledgement. Naruto kept silent not knowing if he should say something. Kakashi not getting a response sight and got out of bed, crouched in front of the boy, and said gently, "Do you need a little help?"

Naruto looked up at him and nodded shyly. "Off... wet..." he said in a timid and hopeful way.

Kakashi smiled at him and pulled the zipper down. He took off his clothes and the diaper, much to the boy's relief. He frowned when he saw how red and blistered Naruto still was. "I think we should stop by the hospital today because this looks really bad." He slathered it with cream and was about to put another diaper when he remembered what he had decided to do last night. He picked up the boy, set him on his feet, than led him to the bathroom. "Daddy's going to show you how to do something that's really cool and then we will eat. You're hungry, right son?"

His little face lit up. "Ungry, yup!"

Kakashi was supposed to meet with the Hokage at 11 that morning, but after eating breakfast and dealing with the chibi, he found himself looking at the clock, which read 9:30 when Someone knocked at the door. It was Naruto's new bed. He kept saying, "Fo me? Fo me?" It was the first time he had his own bed. It was very small, so Kakashi was able to set it up in his room. As he looked at the now much smaller space in his room, he thought that maybe they should get a bigger place. There was his family home, but he just wasn't ready to face that yet. He looked over at his new pup, running his small hands reverently over the ninja that was made on his blanket and smiled. 'What an awesome little man,' he thought. 'At eleven, he's officially all mine.'

He looked at the clock again, 10:15 now. He still had to take Naruto to see a medic. "Oh well, can't be helped now," he said as he shrugged and began the long ordeal of getting the chibi to leave the house. He could not wait for the day when Naruto was not so afraid to leave the house. He did not want to force the kid, but he also knew it was unhealthy for him to stay indoors so much.

Thirty minutes later, Kakashi walked out of his apartment sucking his bleeding hand and holding on to his son with the other. The little chibi's eyes were red rimmed from crying, but he was happy now. He was going to get to fly with the man and get a new toy.

As Kakashi neared the large three-storied hospital, he began to sweat profusely. He really hated this place. He would rather do his healing in the safety and comfort of his own home, but it can't be help in this case. Naruto came first. The poor little guy was in pain every time he wet himself. He also wanted to have a doctor give him a full exam. The boy had been starved, beaten, and who knows what else. He wanted to make sure he was doing the right things in regards to Naruto.

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