Chapter 9

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Kakashi Sensei? Yeah, Right

"I'll be the best ninga ever, just like you Daddy."

Another month had passed and the time had finally come for the chunin exams. Iruka came by to break the news to Naruto. The little boy was so attached to him and he was going to be very busy for a while, especially if he passed. He took the boy to Ichiraku for some ramen. Kakashi was walking behind them watching as Naruto held tight to the older boy's hand. Most of the villagers had learned to keep their thoughts to themselves and to stop staring so openly at the boy, but Kakashi still found some people that are in need to be remained that just who does Naruto Uzumaki belongs and is being raised by. It still made him so angry when he caught the tail end of some dark muttering or evil look. He could sense the thoughts of the nearby men and was getting angry. Umino's gentle voice had calmed him down thought and listening to the boys thought and talks made Kakashi, really appreciate the boy even more.

Iruka had noticed the way the boy was avoiding the gazes of the villagers as he always did. "You know, little brother, do not let it bother you. This is still the best village to live in no matter what a few people do. The stares and mean things people say can only hurt you if you allow it to."

"What so good bout the village, Ruka? Everybody hate me." Said the little boy trying to not show just how much he is hurting inside.

"Not everyone, little brother. I don't hate you and neither does your father. What about Genma, Hayate, Kurenai, Guy and the Hokage? They don't hate you. You have friends too like Kiba, Chouji, and Shikamaru to name a few." He stopped walking, squatted down, and ruffled his hair. "Do you remember back when I told you about the will of fire?"

Naruto thought hard then shook his head. Iruka smiled at him, "That is what makes a Konoha shinobi strong; it's the drive to protect those who are precious to us. The village is full of people and they all have their own hopes, dreams and precious people of their own. I want to protect everyone in this village. It does not matter if they know me or like me. What matters is that they are a part of this village." Said the young boy as he watched Naruto smile.

"Naruto, I have something important to tell you. I am taking the chunin exams very soon. If I pass, I will not be able to watch you anymore."

"Why not Ruka?" he asked clutching the other boy's hand tightly, fear started to dwell inside him.

He answered, "Because I will have other duties. I want to become a teacher at the academy. I will have to go on higher ranked missions and get some experience."

Naruto swiped at the tears forming in his eyes. With a quiver in his voice that he could not prevent, he asked, "You gonna forget me?"

"Never, little brother, would I ever forget you. I will see you, just not as often. Who knows, maybe you will be in my class if I get to be an instructor. But you know if I do, then you can't call me brother in front of everyone."

"Why not? You don't really like me huh, cause I never do nothin' right an I'm a bad boy? So kay."

Kakashi; who had been listening to the whole conversation, reached out and grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt. "Whoa, whoa pup, what are you talking about? You are a very good little boy. You do many things right."

"Yeah," interjected Iruka, "you have been learning lots of things real quickly. Remember how fast you learned how to add and subtract. You are very smart."

"Shika says imma weirdo cause I haveta run an stuff when I do my work."

"Son, you just have too much energy to sit and study. You are very lucky that Iruka figured that out. You have a battle reflex, that's why you think best when your body is in motion. That will make you a very smart shinobi someday. Most people have a hard time coming up with good plans while they are moving. As for being bad, well that's just wrong too."

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