Chapter 7

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'The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies. It's not what they do in life, but what they did before dying that proves their worth.'



The weak early morning light barely touched the village of Konohagakure, its civilian residents coming slowly awake. The shinobi in it already up and about in the cool crisp air, training or preparing for missions. One such shinobi was doing just that. It was only a D rank, but what a great time it was for him. While most; if not all, of his fellow genin would hate to have such a mission, he was thankful. What they didn't know was that the greatest shinobi in the village would be giving him some private training to make up for it. He even said that a few of his friends would probably join them.

'Imagine that,' thought Iruka, 'to be given training by Kakashi, Guy and who knows who else. I am the luckiest guy ever.' He continued his walk with anticipation. He thought of the little chibi, Naruto and smiled to himself. He had been teaching the boy kanji and giving him lessons in various school subjects. The boy absorbed it all like a sponge, most likely because it was the first time anyone had ever paid attention to him before Kakashi adopted him. 'I should become a teacher,' he jokingly thought to himself. He stopped walking and pondered that sudden thought. 'I should become a teacher. I could teach children how to love and respect this great nation of ours and pass on the will of fire.' He started walking again, his mind filled with new possibilities.

Kakashi's Apartment

Naruto woke up very excited. His daddy told him that Iruka was coming to spend the day with him and was going to take him to see Kiba. The sun hadn't even begun to rise yet when he jumped on top of the copy-nin, shouting at the top of his little leather lungs, "Uppy, uppy sweepyhead."

Kakashi, used to this type of wake up call by now, pulled the covers over his head and rolled over. "Wait for the sun to raise at least, pup."

Naruto, not to be discouraged, went to the foot of the bed and crept under the covers. He wriggled up to Kakashi and dug his little fingers into his daddy's side, "Teekel teekel, daddy. Ge-up!"

"I can't," said Kakashi, trying not to laugh, "I'm sleeping."

Naruto clambered out of the covers and peeled the copy-nin's eye open. "You wake now, daddy?" he asked in a whisper.

Kakashi snuck his hands around the boy's waist and hefted him up in the air above him then lowered him and blew a big wet raspberry on his belly. The squealing chibi and the laughing nin played in the bed until both the boy's stomach grumbled loudly. Kakashi grabbed the giggling Naruto by the ankles and carried him into the kitchen upside down. Flipping Naruto over; he set the boy in the chair.

As Kakashi began to make breakfast, he began to whistle in a jaunty way.

"Why you happy daddy?" asked Naruto.

The nin answered, "Because today, daddy is going to put a bad guy away." His usual cool attitude was replaced with glee this morning. All information was finally gathered and everything was in place. In an hour he would be stationed outside the Hokage's tower to witness the downfall of Danzō. He couldn't wait. The man was so going down! "Kurenai and Iruka will be staying with you a lot for the next week or so during the day while I am busy. Be good for them, pup and no temper tantrums. Before I go, I need you to sing a little song for daddy that Umino taught you."

"I gotta leave the house with Kur-nai?" he asked very concerned.

Kakashi sighed, "No, she will stay here with you, but if for some reason she needs to leave, I want you to not make too much of a fuss. Remember son, she is a very powerful kunoichi and can protect you very well." Iruka was the only one who could get the boy out of the apartment without getting himself stressed out.

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