Chapter Twenty Three pt 5

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A soft, confident smile spread across Eial's face. "Whether I'm there or not, I believe in you, Drokn. You'll become king. I'll make sure of it."

"We'll make it happen." The demon's wicked smile mellowed as he nuzzled deep into Eial's neck. "But... what makes you want to join Vrona's quest so much?"

Taking a moment to arrange his thoughts, Eial's vision lost focus into the distance. "I know... you envy my powers. But for me, well—" Eial noticed the trees shake with ease among the pleasant breeze. "—I dislike my powers very much."

Drokn lifted his head from Eial's neck to face him, an expression of concern lain across his face. He took in Eial's side, the bridge of his nose, his distant look, his kind smile untrue to his words.

"These special powers have given me nothing but a lonely life. I've had to hide from the world because of these powers. I've been so scared and cautious whenever I've been in public. Having these powers even upset you and hurt you."

Drokn opened his mouth to retort, but before he could say anything, Eial continued.

"But... my powers can actually be useful with this investigation. My powers can be helpful. Maybe I won't have to hate my powers so much."

"There's no reason to hate your powers. They've been so helpful already!" To the point I've felt helpless. Drokn bit back the thought. He knew it was harmful to compare, but it had become a hard habit to break. With the fondness that grew, it only became harder and more apparent how much the elf could help the demon and how much the demon could not help the elf. Perhaps when he is king, he could do something. All the more motivation—

Drokn's thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of Eial's palm, cool from the air, cupped around his cheek. Gazing into the elf's eyes, he recognized his words were empty to the elf.

"I want these powers to be worth something. I want to be useful. So, I want to help with this quest." Thumb caressing the demon's skin, Eial continued, "I'm sorry I'm not giving you my full attention," —a soft giggle escaped Eial's lips— "but I promise most of my attention is with you. More than you may know."

Drokn gently placed his hand atop Eial's and stared with hurt into the lifeful green eyes. At this moment, Drokn had little care where the elf's attention was placed. Instead, his chest filled heavy with darkness hearing how the elf thought of his own magic.

Yet, the demon was aware he had no right to sympathize, for Drokn had cursed the elf's powers the most. I'm sorry for hurting you, Drokn thought, but did not voice. He had many, many things he could apologize for, and he realized that apologizing would not change memories or matters of the past. His harm was done. How had he hurt the elf so much with his carelessness in such a short time?

"What can I do... to help you?" Drokn asked, his voice crackled. Perhaps he could not change the past, but the future is long and unwritten.

Eial's smile brightened and he shifted his position to comfortably mold with Drokn's torso. "Praise me."

"Praise you?" A brow lifted.

"To be honest, I was sad when you started to leave before patting my head."

Drokn recalled how just before they teleported to their current location, Drokn had stopped himself from having contact with the elf. Why had I done that?

"I know mother praises me, but—" Eial eased towards Drokn's ear, "even if she praises me, I look forward to your praises the most." The elf giggled as he eased back, a soft blush caressing his face and eyes glittering with life.

Drokn's chest that had been pained now tangled with the warmth the demon couldn't help but feel around his wonderful elf. Unknowingly, his lips curled into grin. "I forgot you like it when I praise you," Drokn smirked and leaned in, softly pressing his lips to the elf's forehead. "I was happy to see you happy." With a pleasant smile, Drokn looked eye to eye with the elf. "I was very proud."

It was deep into the evening when the two had teleported back to where their mother was. They first took some time to observe the orange and pink hues in the horizon beyond the trees and bountiful leaves before Eial grew anxious to leave Vrona alone and the two finally left.

They came back to see Vrona lazily resting in the shadow of the sunset, one leg crossed over the other and an arm as a headrest on the cooling dirt ground. At their arrival, she peeked one eye open, glancing at her visitors. Then, she sat up and stretched and yawned, rolling her shoulders back and tilting her head.

"Welcome back," she smirked, knowing their time away had been fruitful with how close they stood and how they held their hands. The aura around them, or rather around Drokn, had become much calmer than before. Internally, she sighed with relief. "I've been eagerly waiting for the two of you."

Truthfully, moments after the two had disappeared, a memo written in parchment appeared inside a pouch the demoness carried. A pouch with a spell circle written in blood, a spell to exchange notes. Reading it through, her eyes spread and her pulse grew in pace. She had to tell the other two— Oh, what terrible timing for them to leave.

Vrona paced back and forth and circled around a tree dozens of times in impatience, eventually settling for just standing with her arms crossed and foot tapping. By the time she had realized they were not coming back anytime soon, her mind had grown weary and suddenly she stopped caring. It's not as if wanting them to be back sooner would have them come back sooner.

Instead, she chose to spend her energy checking her supplies and mixing herbs until boredom took hold of her. Waiting, a useless game, she then laid down to take a nap.

With the pinnacle of her nerves now put at rest, seeing the other two's return, she lacked the enthusiasm and urgency she once had to share the news.

Nonetheless, it still was news of noted significance.

"I've been eagerly waiting for the two of you," she said as she slowly stood up, dusting off the sleeve on her arm. A glint returning to her gaze, her attention strayed to Drokn. "Rest well tonight. Things are going to get busy."

"Busy?" Drokn repeated in question.

"I got a note from the rebellion. Preparations are pretty much set. All they're doing now is waiting for us."

Vrona was met with a gaze both anticipatory and uncertain, as if not to assume hope of what's coming.

Smirk broadening wider, she announced, "We're invading the palace in a few days. And you're playing a key part."


To the side, the elf who also took in the news stared blankly before glancing up at the demon. Observing his toothy smile and open gaze, Eial smiled gently and let go of the demon's hand, clasping his own small hands together behind him.

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