Chapter Nine pt 3

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Despite his uneasiness with falling asleep, Eial couldn't deny that weariness was taking hold of him. Suddenly, he reached into the pouch on his waist and walked over to the table where the demon sat near. One by one, he placed stuffed folded leaves tied with twine onto the table.

"This is more mint leaves. You can just chew on it, too. And this herb mix can help if your stomach is ever upset. And then this can ease pain. Don't eat it though. You just put it on where it hurts." Eial stared at another pouch he took out before carefully setting it down. "These are snacks in case you are hungry."

Lastly, he slowly pulled out a long, beautifully braided ribbon. With a gulp, he explained, "I... found this lying somewhere. And, I don't have too long of hair, so I thought you could use it." Dropping the ribbon onto the table, he swerved back around and laid on the bed, tucking into his own cloak and facing away from the demon. "I'm going to sleep."

Drokn eyed the elf suspiciously but didn't say a word. He turned his gaze over to the snack pouch and grabbed it. When he loosened the twine, the pouch's opening grew wider, but when he caught onto the smell, his eyes grew wider, as well. It was filled with the sweet black colored berries he had taken a liking to. With an exhausted sigh, he laid the pouch over to the side and pressed his forehead against the table.

When sunlight introduced itself through the opening in the front, Eial shifted within his cloak before he bit his lip and warily turned around. His body relaxed with the view when he saw the familiar figure still present before him, asleep with his head glued to the table. Fortunately for them, it didn't seem like they had any visitors in their rest.

With most of his powers restored, he took the opportunity to make a barrier around the cabin. Once that was finished, his eyes searched the small space. The lantern that glowed the night before had run out of oil and turned off. The space was cleared of any tools or trinkets visible to the open. There wasn't much to look at except yellow toned wooden furniture, but one specific one seemed misplaced. Among the perfectly structured pieces, a single stool made with twisted tree roots rested in a corner.

With only a small quirk of his brow to follow, he turned away to search further when his eyes finally made its way back to the flat surface. The wooden floor knocked slightly at each step until the sound stopped right in front of the table. Eial gently grazed his fingertips against the small braids of the ribbon that lay on top, visible and unmoved, its lux texture and deep red shine radiating magnificence.

Moving his hand away from the ribbon, he turned his attention to the demon. He planned to maneuver air magic around him to help him lay comfortably on the bed. But as soon as he turned his hands to the shape of a "u", making wind flow past the demon's face, the demon groaned in discomfort as he grew awake.

A hand on the back of his neck, Drokn leaned up and stretched his head side to side while swearing at the stiff aches. He looked over to his right to see Eial standing next to him with a concerned look on his face that quickly turned into something else.

Holding his lips back, Eial tried his hardest to speak. "I apologize. Did I wake you?"

With a wary look, he answered in seriousness. "No, I— were you awake all night?" When the elf answered that he had just woken, a huge sense of relief took over the demon. "Yeah, I just dozed off not long ago." The demon avoided eye contact and made a waving gesture with his hand, hoping to not reveal that he had neglected his only duty of staying awake to watch over for the night.

At his response, the elf bit his lip, trying even harder to not reveal the shakiness he was feeling. "I see," he said and quickly whipped around to face the other way.

One of the demon's brows creased inwards as he noticed the elf bring his hands towards his mouth to unsuccessfully hide a deep exhale. Impatiently, Drokn stood up and grabbed the elf's shoulder, spinning him around to face him. The elf's eyes looked up as if they were scared and... twinkled. Why did they twinkle? "What's going on?" Drokn wanted to ask, but only the first word came out before the elf spun his head around and made a noise.

The "noise" was a very audible "pfft."

Before Drokn could ask anymore, Eial glanced back briefly before letting out a soft, amused laugh.

The demon squinted his eyes in both offense and confusion. "Make me a basin of water." At Eial's hesitation, he grated, "Now."

Without rejecting further, Eial quickly swerved his hands to bring soil from the outside to make a large bowl on top of the table. And then with a wave, water pooled in almost to the top. Stepping aside, Eial covered his face with his hands, now obviously hiding anticipation.

Briskly, the demon walked over to the basin to look down at the reflection of his face. After the moving water settled, it only took half a second for him to notice and freeze in his stance. Along the width of his forehead was a long indent from where his head had laid on the hard edged table. Not only the thick indent, there were also curves of the creases from the table's wooden surface, which now was known to not have been sanded flat, perhaps intentionally.

It was embarrassment enough to have this stupid mark on his face, but on top of that, his blatant lie had been discovered. An indent this deep would not have been caused by someone who had "just dozed off not long ago."

Drokn finally moved to glare at the elf who still covered his mouth and nose with his small hands. As their eyes met, the elf's shoulders raised and his eyes glistened slightly before darting to the side. When Eial tried to look back, a bigger fit of laughter was about to exit. However, suddenly, his eyes widened in alarm and he quickly looked outside.

Noticing the shift in Eial's expression, Drokn whispered, "Is someone coming?"

With a nod, Eial reached down to touch the floor and closed his eyes to observe the vibrations. This figure walked perfectly in line towards the cabin.

Closer and closer towards the barrier...


Through the barrier.

Eial's eyes grew wide in panic. How can a person pass through the barrier with this much ease? Are they that powerful? It has never happened befor—

Heartbeats started to pound in his ears and his breathing became difficult. He sprung his head up and looked at the entrance of the cabin. In a rush, he picked himself up and dashed to the opening, peeking out to the left into the field of trees.

Drokn became puzzled at the elf's hasty movements and now trembling body. With a black and purple orb conjured in his palm, he cautiously walked over, finding an angle to try to see what his companion was seeing.

A horned being walked closer from the distance. As the being's facial features became more visible, the demon's core boiled and he stepped outside confidently. Without a hint of hesitation, he immediately threw the orb of dark energy at the figure.

The figure easily dodged the orb and kept walking closer. "After the shit I did to get you out. Ungrateful," the figure spit.

Drokn gritted his teeth in irritation as another orb formed around his palm. But before he released it, the small voice that crossed his ear left him frozen.


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