[Extra] Announcements

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Hello! Oh my, I thought only a couple weeks had passed, but much more has... So sorry for going silent! I wanted to share a few announcements and then just an author's note and reflection about writing this story.


When is the new book going to release? Probably not for several months... OR SO I THOUGHT. I was going to write the whole book first before publishing the sequel on wattpad, well edited and all. But Wattpad reached out to me to join a special program and the deadline to sign up is like... now. And guess who signed up?

What does that mean for you?

It means I'm gonna be back sooner than expected! The requirements to be in this program is to write a minimum quota each month. Which I will be devoting mostly to The Elf and The Demon (book 2) as well as some short stories to give me some time to prep for book 2.

Expected release date: Around November 2022

IN THE MEANTIME! I do have an ongoing WEBTOON Canvas story titled, "The Day We Promised." It's heartwarming and heartwrecking at the same time. We're currently in a heart wreck arc :D. Do check it out if you're interested!

It's about a boy named Ren when one day, his best friend who had died comes back to life as a ghost. It's a story regarding loss and growth, but I especially love the dynamic between Ren and his ghost bud. They have a very special bond.

Author's Note:

Honestly I just want to say thank you again so much to those who are following the story, giving it a chance. As it's my first book and have so many places to improve, I really appreciate you all taking the time to read this. Your comments have helped me so much with motivation as well as learning/growth. I appreciate you all so much whether you've stuck around from the beginning or recently picked it up. It warms my heart to think people are invested in something I wrote enough to wait for and read a second book. Not gonna lie, this book is already so long. I wasn't confident people wanted to read so much, or even be patient and interested enough for a second book. But some of you have reached out wondering when the next book will release and honestly, I was so surprised to get those messages! Thank you so much for your love, support, and interest. You are wonderful and I appreciate you.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this book, this was the first time I wrote a novel. It was a great learning experience for me, but definitely docked down my ego a bit haha. I made so many irredeemable mistakes.

About Vrona:

The first, not having the right image for Vrona. Because I didn't picture her appropriately and laid out her character in my mind, I ended up making her awful in the beginning. Much different than the character she was supposed to be. Which made many people understandably hate her, but I wish I did her justice.

I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't have made her a mother. Maybe a sister to Drokn instead or something. Because many people seemed to have certain expectations of Vrona purely because she was a mother.

To me, she is a type of person who should never have had children. She values her freedom and independence too much to care for another. She was young when she had a child and thought it was okay for nannies to take care of him because they'd provide better care. (She'd assumed).

Growing up, she didn't have parents, only her brother, but as close as they were, they were very independent. She didn't learn how to care for others like a parent should because she never had that example to follow. And she didn't realize how important a parental figure is.

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