Chapter Six pt 5

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In the quieter moments of the afternoon, the demon sat slouched on his root based stool and pondered what he'd just learned: The elf had been healing him in secret, the elf could speak in demon tongue, and a demon had, at some point, taken care of him. To him, that explained why the elf was so different from other elves. Why he was more adventurous like other demons.

Another demon had met him, huh? Had witnessed this unique elf. As much as that piqued the interest of the demon, it also... left an unpleasant bitterness in his stomach.

"What's wrong?" inquired the elf, noticing the clenching of the demon's jaw.

After a pause the demon answered, "I'm thinking about how to get past the barrier." Not a lie, but far from where his mind was at the moment. Though, now that he brought it up, his mind did start to conjure plans. He'd been neglecting to think about his escape, assuming he didn't need to until his wing was healed. But knowing now it will heal sooner than planned, he needed to start.

"Hmm..." The elf became lost in thought, his eyes wandering as if contemplating to say something.

Observing the elf's reluctance to speak his mind, the demon grew a little suspicious. But moreso, he found himself tapping his foot with sudden impatience. "So, tell me, my dear Eial, did this other demon you mentioned know of your powers?"

Mid thought, Eial whipped his head and looked straight into the demon's amber eyes that were turning slightly darker. The change in conversation had caught him off guard, but he answered nonetheless. "Yes"

"All of your powers?"

With slight hesitation, he answered again. "Yes..."

The demon's foot tapped faster. "Must have been someone special, huh?"

"I... suppose. But you are more special now."

"If I was more special, you'd think I'd know about all of your powers."

"B-but I have told you every—" the elf paused for a split moment and continued, "about my powers."

Quick to notice, the demon glared at the elf. "Then are you hiding something from me that's not your powers?" A deep breath to relax himself, the demon adjusted his voice to be more gentle. "You were trying to tell me something earlier, my dear. What is it? I'll listen."

Eial nibbled on his lower lip and his eyes darted back and forth. His breathing became shallow and staggered. He opened his mouth and choked on his words before a peep could even come out.

The demon softened his voice more and flawlessly acted in care. "Don't be scared, my sweet. Remember, I'm your bond. You can tell me anything."

With shaky hands that caressed the fabric of his cape and trembling lips that slowly opened, his voice slowly made its way out. "I- I- I have a way... to help you across the b-barrier."

And you never mentioned this to me the past few days? the demon thought and bit out an "Oh?" The icy voice chilled even the warmth of the sunlight. Then, like the flip of a switch, his soothing tone made its presence again. "I am worried about my home. The guard at the cell told me something cryptic and I'm concerned. I want to get back as soon as I can. You'll help me, won't you? I can only trust my bond."

The pitiful way of the demon's speech affected the innocent elf, his neck moving as he gulped. He wanted to tell the demon what he was thinking, but he was afraid. So afraid. He was told to keep his powers a secret for so long; he survived because of the secret. But he needed to tell the demon. He was his bond and he deserves to know all about him. No matter how terrifying it was.

The elf's voice quivered, searching for the confidence to say as much as he could- more than he'd ever. The last secret he'd held back from the demon.

"I... I can..."

Eial's mouth shivered as if he were surrounded by ice. You've already told him your other secrets, Eial. You can do this, Eial.

But then the memory of a familiar stern voice creeped into his mind:

["Don't tell anyone about this. People fear unfamiliar things. They will report you. They will hurt you. You have to keep this a secret to survive.]

Subconsciously, his face contorted as if witnessing something terrifying.

"Shhhhh," the demon cradled. "You can tell me. I'm your bond, remember?"

Eial's vision turned from a blurry fog into a complete clarity of the demon in front of him. Focusing straight into the demon's eyes, the eyes he should trust, his voice finally gave permission—

"I can teleport."

"You... what?" The demon's voice raised as he bared his teeth and stood up, glowering over the elf who stared at the demon with wide eyes. His temperature rose and his eyes turned an even deeper amber. He was expecting some revelation of a secret tunnel or opening or some secret society that he was a part of.

But teleportation? He'd seen teleportation only once before by the witch who teleported him here, but it was only through some sort of spellcasting. Spellcasting doesn't revolve around using your mind or having powers, it requires ingredients, and as long as the right ingredients and proportions were used, it was, in theory, doable.

However, using magic to successfully do it unimaginable. Teleportation magic required complete control of all elements, transferring each and every cell from one place to another. He'd read of elves attempting to gather four elemental beings in teleportation experiments. However, they all failed. No one can sync four minds exactly the same. Unless, of course, all four elements were practiced by the same mind. This magnitude of power the elf contained continued to outrun the demon's expectations. Against this elf, he felt so... small.

"Are you—"

"SHUT UP!" The demon's mind buzzed. Has he ever burned this much? Why was he being so affected? He did not know his thoughts and emotions could change so rapidly... all from the influence of this elf. He was certain before, but now moreso. This was it. He will use the elf for his powers and leave him. In no right mind would he feel willing to take this being with him. Not in front of other demons. Not in front of his father. The shame he would feel...

Eial's gaze searched the demon, his brows scrunched up in observation and concern. "I..."

"Don't talk to me."

Thinning his lips, he ignored the demon's command. "I am thankful you do not seem fearful of me, but I do not know how to react to anger."

The demon's seething stare turned to the elf. "You think I would be fearful someone like you? Don't be so arrogant."

The tension released from the elf's body as he pondered the difference in perspective. Thinking someone would fear is arrogant? "I suppose that is arrogant, huh?" he said innocently, oblivious to the heavy air surrounding them.

Unwillingly, the demon also felt the tension rinse from him. In defiance, he chanted to himself. I am going to use him. That is all he is worth for. He is nothing but a tool. "Leave me be for now. I need space to think."

Eial perked up, understanding the demon's present needs. He wasn't leaving him. He just needed space. "Okay," he responded and started to walk away, but then turned to add: "I apologize if it upset you that I had kept it a secret until now."

The demon huffed out a mocking breath as if that concern was remotely on his mind right now.

The Demon and the Elf (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora