Chapter Three pt 2

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I'M BORED, was all the demon could think, sitting on a bed of dark energy he'd created for himself to avoid the soaked grass and soil. Within the thirty minutes prior, he'd started asking more questions to himself: Who were the elf's parents? Who raised the elf? How did the elf break into the cell? How did he know where to find me? Why did he find me? The elf was full of more mysteries than he'd anticipated.

But his thoughts didn't stop with the elf. How was he going to get back to demon territory? Why had the guard said that? What happened over there?

The backs of his fingers held the weight of the demon's jaw as he looked up and to the side. Light from the sun had started to edge its way between the clouds, creating drape-like waves. His attention then turned to the elf, who had decided to lay down on his side and rest further. The demon could have easily restrained the elf again, but at this point, the elf didn't seem much of a threat to him, despite his questionable motives.

Forest green of the elf's cloak was what faced the demon. Blades of grass surrounded his small figure. The demon positioned himself up, dissipating the dark energy below him at the same time. Moist sounds resounded each step the demon took towards the elf, past the elf, and turning back towards the elf. His body bent down, with his hands on his knees for balance. With nothing better to do, he decided to take this chance to study the elf.

Long, silvery-white lashes rested on his eyelids. The hooded cloak he still wore hung loosely around his round face. His nose was small, just like him, and suited his small statue. His pinkish lips looked... soft. Of course they're soft, they're lips, lips are soft, the demon reminded himself. In subconscious delivery, his right hand approached the elf and rested gently on the elf's left cheek, perfectly molding to it. His mind became entranced. Steadily, his hand moved upwards, feeling the skin next to his eyes, his eyebrows, his—

The elf's fingers grazed over the demon's and a slight chuckle escaped the elf's mouth. His silver lashes rose as he opened his eyes with an, "oh."

The demon reclaimed his hand, unsure if the jolt he felt through his body was from the elf's tender touch or from the giggle he hadn't witnessed much of.

"I thought you were a friendly snake." The elf blinked and then pushed himself up to a kneeling position.

"A snake?" the demon scoffed, slightly offended. "My hands are not that rough."

"Hmm? Yeah, they're not that rough," the elf smiled. "Snake skin is very smooth."

The demon wasn't sure how to respond, until, of course, his haughtiness took over, "Of course they're smooth." His heart rate was ever so slightly elevated and his eyes averted. He took the moment to finally stand up and then looked back at the elf. "It's interesting."


"It's interesting how someone with powers like yours can look so naive." No one asked the demon for an excuse for observing the elf's face, but he felt like he had to give one anyway.

"Huh," the elf responded blankly. "By the way," the elf said, biting his lips. He looked up at the demon and then away. "Can you... not tell anyone about my powers?"

"And why's that?"

"Please. It'll bring me trouble. It's a strange ability to have. Even you think so."

It was true. The elf's powers were unique and the demon could imagine the wary eyes of the elves if they knew. "Are you sure you want to trust a demon with a secret?"

"I trust you."

"That's a lot to say to someone you've barely met."

"You're my bonded mate. I'll trust you."

The demon had almost forgotten about being bonded to this tiny being. Nothing had changed for the demon since the bond set. Well, nothing changed except for the cheek touching situation. That was definitely the bond in action and had nothing to do with his own curiosity. Nope. Not at all. "Maybe if you help me get out of here, I'll keep your secret."

Without pause, the elf answered, "okay," and then continued: "But stay here for a bit. Until your wing grows back. And take me with you."

"Sure," the demon agreed, knowing full well he wouldn't let the elf be a part of his trip. But waiting until his wings grew back was a good idea. And with this elf as company? Why not. Not only would it allow the demon enough time to get more information on the elf, but then I can fly away without him following.

"Thank you." The gleam in the elf's eyes returned and a meaningful grin adorned his face.

The elf's smile stirred the demon's consciousness just like it had in the cell room. The demon wanted to change subjects and was relieved when the elf changed it himself.

"Ah! Eial!"

"Huh?" The demon thought the elf blurted gibberish.

"My name! My name! Oh I'm so late. I hope you'll forgive me."

The demon was reminded of the cell when the elf had said that he'd come to introduce himself. He held back a laugh at the sheer absurdity of the elf in that situation.

"And?" asked the elf, eyes wide in focus.

"And?" repeated the demon.

"Your name?"

"Ah. Hmm. Wouldn't you like to know?" teased the demon with a single eyebrow lifted, refusing to answer.

The elf stood up, dusting his hands. "Yes, I would!"

The demon rolled his eyes and a slight snicker escaped him. "Maybe one day, sxrol."

Eial sulked and kicked the grass, followed by apologies to a flower he had hit on accident.

The elf's actions formed a small sensation within the demon. A part of it being aware of the stupidity of apologizing to a flower, and the other—

"So, what's our plan for tonight? You got a place to live?" the demon asked, stopping his thoughts. He gazed around on the open plain with his hands on his hips.

The elf looked back up, his mood noticeably lighter. "Right. About that. Would you mind walking with me for a bit?"

"How far?"

"Perhaps an hour or so?"

"Augh, can't you have us ride your wind magic or something?" complained the demon, unwilling to trek the distance. He'd been so used to flying long distances that walking just seemed like the most unbearable thing.

"No, I need to conserve my magic for now. Sorry!" apologized the elf, wholeheartedly wishing he could help.

"Damn, you don't have a spell to teleport me or something?"

"Teleport?" The elf tensed.

The demon sighed. "Of course you don't. I don't even know how she even managed to pull it off."

She? thought the elf and his fingers relaxed from his palm, unknowing they were clenched in the first place. Then, he tilted his head with furrowed brows. Spell to teleport? His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the demon walking well ahead. With a, "hey, wait!" he quickly dashed over.

Eial grabbed the demon's wrist to stop him, which sent an unusual sensation through the demon just like it had in the cell's hallway. As if fiery waters were coming from the elf's palm into the demon's wrist. It felt powerful, and—

"You're going the wrong way," said the elf.

The demon's brow twitched and he turned around without a word, snatching his hand away from the elf's grip.

The elf whispered from behind, "Uhm... towards the sun."

With pursed lips, the demon turned on his heel once again. "Tell me that sooner."

High pitch of the elf's giggle came from behind the demon before they walked side by side.

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