chapter one

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It was 12:30am on a warm mid-september tuesday night. I was baking my favorite muffins. White chocolate and blueberry.

I had a french test the next morning but i was gonna ace that anyway. I was waiting for the muffins to be done.

I somehow had enough time to take a shower and wash my hair. But i forgot to take my makeup off and i looked like i had cried.

I was washing the dishes when the doorbell rang.

I was confused. It was 12.30am. Who the hell is at my door?

My perants were not home. They never are. Always working on some buissnes trips. So i had the house all to myself most of the time.

I was wearing my black sweats and a tank top and a pink robe over that.

I walked to the door. I opened it and was surprised to see who was in front if me.

"Ellen. Hi." I said and looked at the beautiful blonde standing in front of me. She looked young. She looked good.

"Hi mads, you have grown so much" she says and eyes me up and down with a smilw growing on her face.
"Yea, human beings tend to do that" i said and gave her a smile."is everything okey? Why are you in michigan?" I asked and leand agenst the door.

"I am okey, really i am good. I just wanted to tell you that...umm...we moved back. I just got here and i needed to tell you." She said and looked me straight into my eyes. With a look that said 'i am so happy to see you again'.

"Can i know why you guys have moved back?" I asked thinking it might have to do something with hockey.

"Jack, he got into the usa training program here, and quinn is coming here to University."


"That is great. That is really really great. How are the boys doing? You know Luke, Quinn... uhh jack?"

Her facial exprecion changed to a proud mother. As it should.

"They are really great. But you might be able to ask that yourself tomorow, you know, at school."

School. Thanks for reminding me that's still happening.

"Well it will be great to meet both of them again" i said and put on a smile on my face.

"Are your parents home?" She asked.
I noded my head 'no'.
"Ohh, well i was thinking maybe you might like to come over for dinner tomorow night. Catch up with everything." She asked, with a bit of nervousness in her foice.

"I would love that. But i think we might need more then one dinner to go over all of what has happend the past 6 years." I laughed a bit. And so did ellen.

"Well i cant wait for those dinners" she said.
"Are you okey. It looks like you've crying."

"Ohh no. I am fine. I just washed my hair and didnt take my makeup off. Soo." i said and explaned myself.

"I hope that is true. But i loved seeing you before any of the boys saw you. They will be jealous of me. But goodnight. And sleep well." She smiled, gave me a one last glance and left my porch.

"Good night to you as well" i yelled back with a smile on my face because of the comment she made about them being 'jealous'.

I closed the door and ran to my kitchen hoping the muffins were not burned.

They werent burnt. I tried one and as always it was amazing. I was cleaning up my kitchen when i saw through my window that a car pulled up in the hughes front yard.

I quicly turned off the kitchen and living room lights. I maybe hoped that they thought i was going to bed now and they wouldnt say hi.

No way in hell do i want for jack or luke to see me like this after all these years.

So i just took a few muffins and ran up the stairs.

I got into my room and turned on my sleeping lights.

I am pretty scared of the dark so ever since i was little i always slept with at least some light in my room. I change the type of light every year.

This year those have been 5 fake candles. They are not too bright so it was perfect. I went into my bathroom and washed my face.

I braided my hair and that took a little bit. I put on my pj's and got to bed.

My window faced jacks so i closed my blinds. Before i did i saw him turn on the light in his room and look straight in to my room. But i acted like i didnt see him and just closed the blinds.

I couldnt sleep. So i did some homework that is not due for three more days. I passed out in my french book at about 2am. That was not good because i had to wake up 5.30 for school.
And my back was absolutely killing me.

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