chapter two

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I woke up two minutes before my alarm rang.

I got up and opened my blinds. The sun was about to rise. And the sky started to look a little bit pink and orange.

I turned off the fake candles and got straight to my bathroom.
I had a 15 minute morning skin care routine.

When i was done washing my face the sun had rissen and the sky was full of color. I made my bed, took my phone and got down stairs to the kitchen.

I made a matcha, i dont really enjoy the taste but it looks nice and i still ended up making a tea for myself anyway.

I sat at the kitchen table with my drink and a bowl of berries in front of me.

I turned on the tv that was in the living room and put on 'the vampire diaries'.
I ate my fruit and drank my matcha.

I turned off the tv and went up to my room again to get ready.
It was 6am now. It was light outside and i had to leave in an hour.

Who thought it was a good idea to make kids go to school at 7? Like who? I hope that the person who came up with that has both sides of the pillow warm when he sleeps.

I sat down at my desk that was also my vanity.
I put on taylor swift in the speakers and got ready.

It took me 25 minutes to finish my makeup. I took my hair out of my french braids and brushed it out.

I walked over to my closet and tried to find something to wear.
I ended up choosing a knit cherry pattern cardigan with a white tank top under it and white tennis skirt.

I spraid a lot of coconut body spray, took my bag with all of the things i'll need for school and got down the stairs.

I put on my white chunky sneakers, grabed my keys and git out the door. I got into my car and turned it on. I waited for a moment for it to warm up.

While i waited i saw that ellen got out of the house. She looked in my direction and waved. I waved back. She started to head towards her car and then.


He got out of the house. Still sleepy and he was eating an apple. He was pulling luke towards his mothers car.

This was the first time i could have a good look at him.

His hair is all over the place. He is tall. A lot taller then me. Though the resting tired face hadnt changed. He is wearing an oversized crewneck and blue jeans. (Not skinny jeans) and airforce1s. He has a nice style.

I looked at the clock and somehow i was late. I started to drive. I am a good driver and also i have a really good car. But every single one of my friends is scared of my driving. Even the only accident that had ever happend wasnt even my fault. The car drove into me, not the other way around.

I got to school and parked my car in my spot and walked to school. The class started in 5 minutes so that meant i had a lot of time left.

I got to my locker and then i felt someone standing behind me. So i turned around and it was noah. The guy who didnt understand that 'no' means no.

"What?" I asked and became mean. I wasnt mean to everybody, but there are a few people that i do not indend to be nice to.

At first i totally fell for his trap, but only for a small period of time, cause really quickly realized what he was up to. So thats how the mean bitch mode was born.

"Free tonight?" He asked and had a smirk on his face. He really thought very highly of himself.

"No" i said and started walking towards my first class.
"You are never free, what is it that you are doing all the time?" He kept walking behind me.

He was dumb. Like really dumb. I have no idea how he had not repeated freshmen year. And how the hell had he gotten to junior year.

"I am going to a dinner" i said amd tried to get away from him.
"With who? Can i join?"
"Family friends, and no. Back off noah. How many times do i have to say no until you understand. No means no. So leave me alone."
"Fine, your lost" he said and left me alone.

I almost got to my class until i heard my name in the intercom. I was supposed to go to the office.

That was odd, because our school doesnt give a shit about dress code. So what was it?

I got there and sat down. I took out my book. Every year this time i reread the first harry potter.

Then the office door opend and the principl waked out and a guy. I didnt look up i just waited until the principle needed me. They were talking about how he is happy to have him here.

The guys foice, i have heard it before.

"Madelyn," principal john said. "meet jack hughes, i thought you could spend the first period showing him around"

I looked up from my book. And. There he was.

I remember i could always read him when we were little. But now i couldnt.

I put my book in my bag and got up. "Hi jack, its nice to see you again" i said and put my hand out to shake it.
"Hi, its great to see you too" he said and shook my hand.

The touch of his hand made nervous.

"You guys know each other? Okay, dont waste time. The school is huge and you have only one hour." He said and lead us outside his office.

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