chapter forteen

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The music was playing, i am about half way through my routine. I am about to do the jump i have landed in practice only 3 times. And now i will land it the fourth time.
The triple axel jump.
Here we go. I was turning in the air and then within an second i was on the ice. And i did not land on my skates. My ankle. Fuck. It hurts, i dont even think i can stand up. I look up and see medics running to me with my couch on there side. I feel like am going to cry...

"Meds, mads, wake up. Its just a dream" i heard jack whisper yell. And in that moment i realized he was also shaking my shoulders so i wake up.
"What? What are you doing? I was sleeping?" I ask.
"Then why the hell are you crying?" He asks as he takes a tissue from his bedside table thats on his side. He gave me the tissue. With his eyebrow arched.
"Well, why are you crying?"
"I had i dream that... i was back on the was the comeptiton i fucked up my ankle" i said wiping the tiers away from my cheek.

I hadnt realized that i had started bawling. Jack hugged me tight. He rubbed his hand over my back, and tried calming me down.
"It'll be fine. Listen, one time we were playing, and i had the puck. The ice was clear. I had a perfect shot. But guess what. I fell. I still keeps me up at night. But you know i can laugh about it now" jack said as he calmed me down even more.

I didnt even realise that i was laughing now.
"What time is it?" I ask him.
"4:46am" he said
"When do you have to wake up?"
"I have morning practise, so in 15 minutes"
"Ohh jack, im sorry. Okay we have 15 more minutes to sleep. Im so sorry." I said feeling really guilty. Because i know whats it like being woken up when you still have time to sleep.
"Dont be sorry. Im just happy, you are okay now. Listen, you go back to sleep. I have to wake up anyway. So i'll just start with my morning, i anyway always end up being late, so i'll just start getting ready now."
"Jack, im sorry i woke you." I said.
"Listen, its not your fault. Really. Please keep sleeping." He said and stepped in the bathroom.

I laid back down, i felt so bad. Not only because i woke jack up, but also, i just felt sick. I was still really cold, my head was dizzy, and i couldnt think straight. But i fell asleep after few seconds of my head being back on the pillow.

After what felt like 3 hours i felt lips on my forhead. I opend my eyes to see jack.
"Hey, no. Go back to sleep. You need to rest. But im heading to practise. I'll see you at around 2 or 3pm. Sleep well." He said and before i could say anything back he already left the room.

At about 10am ellen walked in the room with huge smile on her face and a nice cup of tea in her hands, at least i hope its tea.
"Good morning melly. Here, i made you some tea" she said and put the cup down on the bedside table "and how are you feeling?" She asked and sat down beside me on the bed.

"Head, hurts. A lot. And im cold and right now i think thats it." I said.
"Im sorry. This must suck." She said with a sad expression on her face.
"Its not that bad. At least now it isnt. I used to never get sick, because i knew that i would have to tell my parents that, and the they would fly back, and i had ruined any business deal they had."
"That must have sucked, but do you want me to contact Laura or Dan and tell them you are sick?"ellen asked.
"Is there a chance we could leave them out of this?" I ask hoping she would say yes. And thank the gods, she did.

"You know, jack was very excited when he heard we were moving back."
"Is that so?" I said raising my eyebrows.
"He missed you, for a really long time. And i can already tell he is a differant kid now that he sees you on a daily basis again."

I dont know how to respond to that. But i know for a fact that i feel different with him as well.
"What do you mean 'different'. Hes the same guy, still sweet and caring."
"Ohh, well yea. But he would have a new girl every two days. And as i can tell we have been back for a week now, and there is no 'new girl'."
"Ohhh, jack was a player? Did he really had to be a part of the steriotype?"
"Haha, yes. Jack was the equivalent of a player." She laughed and i laughed with her. Even though for the life of me i couldn't imagine jack acting, no, being like that.

"Okey darling, you rest, drink some tea. As i can imagine you'll just watch youtube or netflix all day, but if you need anything, i can go over to your house and get it."
"Thanks. And i would like to take you in on that offer." I said hoping that she'll be okay with it.
"What do you need?" She asks without hestitation.
"I hope you remember where my bedroom is. I have 2 books on my bedside table, you could take those for me please. And just a change of clothes, and be free to snoop around my closet for anything that i might need." I said.
"I'll be right back with books and a change of clothes." She says with a smile on her face.

When she comes back, she gives me my books and clothes, then gives me kiss on my head and leaves.

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