Chapter Twenty - Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

King Jamie paced the great hall waiting for the servants to put out the midday meal.  Once the food was laid out, they all ate in silence.   Several times Callum tried to speak up, voice his concerns over his daughter's marriage, but King Jamie silenced him immediately and told him that later on, they all would have the chance to speak and tell their side to the story.

"Ye are Laird here Callum, ye may present your story first," King Jamie announced standing once again as he paced the dais.  

"Thank ye, Sire," Callum grinned and then stood up to allow everyone to hear him speak.

"Remain seated," King Jamie told him and pointed back to his stool. 

"I wish to stand, Sire," Callum disagreed with his King and continued standing.

"And I wish for ye to remain seated, Callum," King Jamie told him sternly.  "Seat yourself or dinna speak at all."

Knowing that he wasn't going to be able to change the King's mind, Callum sat back down on his stool and pursed his lips together.   "Verra well then," Callum started.  "Twas wishing for a higher match for my daughter, Sire."

King Jamie nodded as he continued to pace, hands clasped behind his back, but kept his full attention on Callum.

"I dinna wish for her to marry a fourth born son of a Laird, she deserves more.  Tis her beauty, Sire," Callum smiled an evil smile.  "A lass as bonny as she deserves to be Mistress one day."

"So...," King Jamie came to stand in front of Callum and crossed his arms over his broad chest.  "Ye wish for Lady Kathryn to become Mistress one day because of her beauty.  Tis my understanding ye?"

"Och....well, Sire," Callum scrambled with his response after hearing the King repeat what he just said.  "Tis no only her beauty, but her skills as well for when she is to become a Mistress one day.   My lady wife has spent many a years training Kathryn to become a fine Lady to run a castle."

"Are ye trying to tell me now, Callum," King Jamie paused and rubbed his chin.  "Ye mean to say now that she has married Grant, her skills will go wasted?   Tis what ye are trying to tell me?"

Again, Callum face paled as the King repeated what he just said.   "Well, Sire," Callum began again, frustrated at how he was explaining himself.   "Tis also that I wished for strong allies, Sire.    Twas wanting perhaps stronger allies in the Lowlands."

"Ye have many enemies then, Callum?" King Jamie raised a brow as he questioned him and resumed his pacing, turning his back to Callum.

"Nae, Sire," Callum shouted his fury and jumped off of his stool.   Two of King Jamie's guards cautiously stepped up and surrounded their King.   Grant stepped up as well, standing beside his friend.   Even though he wasn't part of King Jamie's elite guard anymore, Grant would always protect his King.    It was a natural instinct for Grant to step up and resume a position that he once held.

Noticing Grant's movement and his dedication, King Jamie smiled at his friend and motioned for him to take his seat once again.   Turning back towards Callum, King Jamie did the same and pointed towards his stool for him to take his seat.

After taking his seat and calming down a bit, Callum started explaining once again.   "Nae, Sire," he carried on.   "Every clan has an enemy or two, but twas wishing for more allies.   We are well aligned with the Campbell's and the Cameron's.   Twas hoping for allies made with the McFadden's towards the South."

King Jamie's face blanched at the name he just heard and then his face hardened.   "Ye wished for an alliance with Douglas McFadden?"  

"Aye, Sire, "Callum nodded.   "Twas betrothed to my daughter, he was.   The betrothal has since been broken now that she has married and Grant has made his intentions to Douglas verra clear."   Callum turned to leer at Grant now who could only grin at remembering a few days ago watching a disgruntled Douglas leave Castle McGregor without his bride.

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