Chapter Twenty - One

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Chapter Twenty – One

"Nae!" shouted Kathryn as she stepped up between Robert and her Da.   "Nae...twill be nae bloodshed on this day."    Kathryn was so upset, she was shaking when she turned towards her Da.   "Da," Kathryn hoarsely cried out as she gripped the front of his shirt, "Why canna ye be happy for me?   Grant makes me happy."    She turned towards Robert now who still looked as though he was going to strike at any moment.  "Robert," she breathed out, her voice still shaking.  "Tell my Da ye come in peace.  I beg of ye," Kathryn whimpered out.

Robert turned to look down at his sister-in-law, she was weeping now, she looked tired.   "Aye Kathryn," Robert nodded towards her.  "Tis peace that I come here with, I dinna wish for bloodshed as well."  Robert looked over at Callum now who seemed to have calmed down some at his daughter's plea.    "Come Callum," Robert said sheathing his sword.  "We shall discuss this marriage in the castle over some wine."

"Verra well," Callum grunted out as he started to sheath his own sword.  The rest of the clansmen all followed, suit.  The Campbell's and McKenna's did as well.

Kathryn turned to look for Grant.  Her vision became blurry as she tried stepping forward but in an array of dizziness, she faltered and if Robert wasn't still standing beside her, she would have collapsed.   

"Grant!" Robert shouted for his brother.

Grant was at Kathryn's side before his brother could call him again, taking her into his arms immediately.   Cradling her to his chest, he bent low to kiss her forehead.   "Ye are so verra tired my love," he whispered to her.

"Grant," Kathryn whispered back.  "I dinna feel so well."

"Hush love," Grant pulled her up close to him until her nose was nuzzling his throat.  "I will care for ye.  Tis time for ye to rest."  

Grant was immediately surrounded by a very concerned Lady McGregor, Evelyn, Beth and Kathryn's brothers.  "Lady McGregor, Kathryn is verra tired.  She dinna sleep well on the journey here.  I would like to bring her to our chamber."

"Of course Grant," Catriona smiled up at her son-in-law, admiring how he was caring for her daughter.   "Follow me, I will bring ye both to Kathryn's chamber so she may rest."

"She looks pale," Gavin murmured to Grant as they started walking towards the castle steps.

"Aye," Grant responded.  "Tis the past three nights she dinna sleep well at all.  Twas worried she was over your Da."

"Aye well," Gavin huffed out in disgrace.  "Ye just saw my Da, Kathryn had cause for worry.   Jesu Grant, twas expecting my Da to be upset, but no like so." 

Grant just nodded his agreement to his brother-in-law as he followed him up into the castle and towards the main stairs to the chambers up in the tower.  

"Come join us in the great hall Grant after ye put Kat to bed," Gavin said as he placed his hand on Grant's shoulder.

"Verra well," Grant murmured back and followed his Mother-in-law to their chamber.

A bath and a tray were ordered by Lady McGregor, for her daughter.   A fire was made in the hearth to quickly take the chill from the room.   The servants came in and out of the room carrying buckets of hot water, others stripped the bed of its linens and replaced them with fresh ones.

Kathryn fought her slumber while Grant gently bathed her.  Her Mother washed her hair for her and then brushed it for her until it dried in front of the fire.   Grant made sure she ate a light meal, she was very weak and needed to build up her strength. 

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