Chapter Twenty - Eight

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Chapter Twenty – Eight

Several days have passed since King Jamie spoke with Lady Kathryn.   She has since regained most of her strength and under supervision, she's has begun rejoining her family and clansmen in the great hall for meals.   Lady Campbell still has her under strict orders to rest in the afternoons and not to overdue herself.   The bruises along her lower back are now almost faded, but the aches are still there.  Pushing herself could cause a setback in her health and Grant wasn't willing to take any chances.   He was itching to be gone of Castle McGregor and head home for the Highlands.

Laird McGregor still wouldn't accept his daughter's marriage to Grant McKenna, it was clearly written across his face whenever he was near Grant.  The frowns and constant disagreeing with him made him a bitter man.  He didn't dare saying anything since King Jamie was still there enjoying his hospitality. 

 Everyone knew though, the venomous glares sent Grant's way were enough cause to have Andrew and Robert always on their guard where their youngest brother was concerned.

"Come join me in a ride, Grant," King Jamie asked him as he stood, stretching his legs after midday meal. 

Grant had just rejoined everyone in the great hall after bringing Kathryn back to their chamber to rest for the afternoon.  "Verra well, Sire," Grant responded.   "Tis been wanting to have some private time with ye."

"Sire," Andrew called as he watched his brother and King Jamie begin to leave the hall.   He stood up and approached them now, overhearing their plans.   "I would prefer for Grant to remain in the hall, if ye need privacy, ye may use my chamber."

"Andrew," Grant hissed, embarrassed to be treated like a child in front of his King.  "Jesu, ye dinna tell our King what to do." 

"Why do ye say so?" King Jamie looked at Andrew with curiosity on his face.

"Sire," Andrew coldly responded but kept his eyes on his fuming brother.   "I dinna trust Laird McGregor.   Tis plotting something he is, I dinna wish to have Grant out of my sight."

"Ye jest, Andrew," Grant started laughing now.  "Callum willna try anything with King Jamie still abiding in his castle.  Ye have fears for nae reason."

"Grant," Andrew grimace knowing that his brother was partly true, but he still didn't trust Callum.  "Ye must have seen the way he views ye.   Tis wishing to sheath his sword through your back.  I dinna trust him, tis been speaking privately he has been with some of his clansmen. "

"I agree with Andrew," Robert stepped to the group now, overhearing as well.  "I dinna like the way he watches ye Grant.  Tis plotting something indeed, he is.   Ye dinna wish to have Kathryn a widow after only being married for several weeks.  Tis what Callum is hoping for, to rid himself of ye."

"Ye as well," Grant threw his hands up in disbelief.  "Twill be riding with King Jamie.  He dinna leave anywhere without a contingency of his guards.  We will be well protected."

"Aye," King Jamie agreed with Grant.  "We both will be well protected.   I give ye my word Andrew., nothing will happen to Grant.  He is well acquainted with most of my guards, they will protect him as they will protect me."

"Sire," Andrew sighed and rubbed his face.  "I dinna mean nae disrespect, but tis a feeling I have.  I dinna trust him, tis wanting my brother's death is what he wishes for."

"I do agree with ye, Andrew," King Jamie surprised everyone.  "I believe that Callum wishes for Grant's death, tis a reason why I have remained.   When Lady Kathryn is healed enough to leave, we will all depart together.   He willna be so foolish to try something while I am still around."

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