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THERE'S NOTHING better than casting a brilliant actress. But in this case, the actress is Bethany, and she has me feeling a mixture of emotions all at once. It's been almost two weeks, since I've seen her, and I didn't realize how much I missed her, until the moment my eyes landed on hers.

"Xo?" Anderson nudges my shoulder, as he catches my stare. The smirk on his face makes me frown.

"She's so young," I sigh, finally deciding to confide my feelings with someone. It's been a hectic couple of weeks, and the only thing that's consistent in my mind is that beautiful face of hers.

"She's old enough, I'd say, and she's just your type."

I look at him, quirking my brow, "my type?"

He shrugs and wraps his arm around my shoulder, as he stands beside me, "long hair, beautiful eyes, puffy lips, and a rocking body."

I scrunch up my nose, "I'm attracted to more than just a face, you know," he laughs, as though I'm being sarcastic, but I'm really not.

"Yeah, sure. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about her?" He's going to make me smack him. But he's right, her beauty is a significant factor.

"Fine. I'm into looks. Whatever," I'm mumbling, as I continue to look at her move around the set, getting familiar with the layout.

"Everyone's into looks more than personality. I rather date a dummy, than a toad," is mankind that close-minded? Probably, "All I'm saying, is that you're attractive too, so go for it," I scoff. He's encouraging me, which I appreciate and dislike at the same time.

"DO YOU have a minute?" Bethany walks into my office, as I nod in approval. She's wearing jeans, and a t-shirt, nothing revealing. But I can still see every unblemished flesh of hers, as I look at her walk closer.

"Feeling at home yet?" I ask.

She smiles widely, but also sighs. I know she's loving every second of it, but she's probably still at odds with working alongside me, "yeah, actually, it's the perfect fit," I wonder if Blue's in daycare, or if her parents look after him while she's away. Does she have a good relationship with her parents? I'm so old that mine are already dead. I lean back, as she takes a seat, my doubts unraveling once more.

"I'm glad. I was surprised with the chemistry between you and Saskia. If I didn't know better, I'd believe you two are actually sisters," we did a test run earlier, and it went great. The only problem that I'm having is that the producer has been checking her out. It makes my entire chest burn and nostrils flare, and as usual, Anderson noticed.

"Xiomara, are we okay? I know that this is pretty awkward for you, cause, well, it's awkward for me."

"You can be quite distracting," I grin widely. Where did that come from? "I mean," I rub the back of my neck, as she walks around my desk, "Bethany," she lifts my chin, and looks intently into my eyes. The urge to kiss her is overwhelming, and I don't know if I should push her back, or wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her closer.

"We can be friends, right?" She's asking for confirmation, and I really don't want to give it to her. I don't want to be your friend, Bethany. I want so much more...

"Yes, of course," I turn my face, and clear my throat. She takes a step back, and I can sense her hesitation.

"Okay then," she moves from beside me, and heads for the door, "I'll see you around, boss," she gives me that heartwarming smile, before leaving my office.

"Bye, Bethany," I whisper, as I place my hand over my chest.

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