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8 months later

IT FEELS as though it was just the other day that we were celebrating my forty-ninth. Now, it's my fiftieth. Fuck. News got out fast about Bethany and I moving in together, and let's just say, Ethan really isn't happy about it. Mary's flame has died down, but she doesn't seem too happy either.

As for Petah, she's currently in Baltimore, probably by a poolside, sipping on an long island iced tea. She's rediscovered her youth, and the endless possibilities of young women. Since I'm with Bethany, she finds no need to have age restrictions anymore. I can't blame her. I just want her to live her life, so that I can live mine.

"Happy Birthday, Mother," Christopher pulls me into a hug, and hands me a small, gift-wrapped box. It's quite tiny from what he usually gives me. Last year, I got a perfume set from him, unlike the year before that when they all chipped in to buy me a 24 karat vibrator.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I kiss his cheek, and hold the present against my chest. We're all in the backyard, and Bethany wants to sing for me tonight. I told her only one song, because I want her by my side for most of it.

"Open it," he urges, raising my curiously. I open the lid of the box, only to find a keyring with Bethany's face on it. I look up at him, and he smiles, "since you're selling the house, I thought you'd need something to put your new keys on."

I pull him into another hug. That's very thoughtful of him. It's also him giving me his blessing to be with her, which I truly appreciate.

"I want to say something," Jane lifts her wine glass. Alexander is in his father's arms, already asleep.

I can see my friends looking behind me, and when I turn, there's my gorgeous girlfriend—in six inch, red heels, and the most gorgeous gown that my eyes have ever landed on, or maybe it's just because it's on her.

"I wrote a new song for you," she whispers into my ear, and the hairs on my skin raise.

"Okay, lovebirds. At least let me finish my speech," Jane grumbles. Blue comes running from inside of the house beside Anderson's son.

"Mommy!" He leaps into my arms, and I lift him up. Jane glares at me, not appreciating all the interruptions.

"As I was saying—" Jane narrows her eyes, "Ma was afraid of falling in love again for years. And I'm happy to say that she's finally found someone worthy of everything that she has to offer," Bethany holds onto my arm, and looks at me, the smile on our faces illuminated by the night sky, "I've honestly never seen her so happy, even though she's now one more step into the rabbit hole."

At a moment like this, my jaw would usually drop, but instead I laugh, "well, thanks, sweetheart," I arch my brow at her.

"If it wasn't for my superb biography skills, and Mary photoshopping that photo on the dating site, you two might not be here today," what the fuck is she talking about? I look at Bethany, and she shrugs.

"She's just pulling your strings, babe," Bethany assures.

Photoshop? That photo wasn't photoshopped! "Yeah, Ma, it was photoshopped," I frown and grit my teeth, "we mostly fixed your neck fat, no big deal," I touch my neck and cringe. I don't have any fucking neck fat.

"To sum it up, Ma's happy, and that's all we could ask for. Thank you, Bethany," Jane raises her glass towards Bethany, and earns a smile. I look at Ethan, who's standing at a far distance from all of us. He nods at me, and gives me his charming smile—a sincere smile that I haven't seen in a long time.

"I love you too, Mommy," Blue pulls on the strap of my dress. I place a kiss on his cheek, before Jane takes him from me. Don't you have your own kid? I turn to Bethany, and see her hand stretched out for me to take.

"Dance with me?" I don't hear any music. But someone turns on the surround system, because Bethany's voice fills the room. Is this the song that she wrote for me?

As we dance, and her melodious voice fills my ears, I realize that regardless of all the obstacles in our way, I was the only one holding myself back. It didn't matter what my kids had to say, or my ex-wife. At one point, I was pushed to date Bethany, and at another, I was shunned because of it. But in spite of all of that, I chose her—I chose to be happy. I chose a woman who means the world to me. And even though she might be considered too young to date a fossil like me, I'll love her dearly for as long as I can.

The End

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