03. a friendship built by hot dogs

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Having class the Monday after a weekend party feels like forcing children back to school after visiting Disney World for the first time. The opposite of magical.

However, being the incredible friend and roommate that I am, I woke up extra early to make breakfast for Ellie and I. After twenty minutes of going back and forth, I think I've landed on chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and strawberries. The strawberries are only there so we can act like we ate a healthy meal.

While flipping the pancakes, I can't help but let my mind wander to Saturday night. Ellie and I were convinced that Connor and Brooks' new roommate was a quiet, slightly awkward guy. I mean, he's been living with them for two months and we had never seen him before. But my god was I wrong.

Parker is easily the most attractive man I've ever seen. After a few drinks, I had to physically hold myself back from running my hands over his strong tattooed arm or my fingers through his messy brown hair. When we were sitting on that bench all I could think about was how easy it would have been to lean forward and-

"Kota, I can smell your shit burning from down the hall."

"Fuck!" I snap out of my daydream and see a pancake smoking in front of me. "Sorry, El. Here, I have some good ones here." I place three pancakes on a plate and slide them across the counter.

"Have I ever told you you're my favorite roommate?" She has a sarcastic smile on her face.

"I'm the only roommate you've ever had," I roll my eyes.

"Exactly," Ellie laughs, digging in.


I stand in front of my classroom building, ready to attack Connor for being five minutes late and making me wait outside for him. It's something about walking in alone making him feel too lonely.

Okay, maybe I won't attack him, but just know that I'm tempted.

Since Connor is a business major, a lot of our classes line up so we try and take the same ones if possible. Every Monday, we get lunch after our class as a kickstart to the week. It's been our tradition since sophomore year and ensures that we always have some one-on-one time.

"I know I'm late, but it was only because I have a present," Connor finally rushes up the steps, hands behind his back.

"If you pull out a frog-like in ninth grade, I'll never speak to you again." My voice shows no pity.

Connor laughs at the memory, before showing me a large strawberry dragonfruit refresher from Dunkin Donuts.

I gasp, "it's like you know me or something."

"Or something," he smiles, opening the door for us before slinging an arm around my shoulder.


Settling into opposite sides of our usual booth, Connor and I push our menus to the center of the table, knowing them by heart.

"Are you excited to see our parents next weekend?" Every year, our parents make two trips up to see Connor play. Once towards the beginning of the season, and once towards the end.

"I am, but I think our moms are more excited to see Brooks than either of us," he says with a chuckle.

Brooks has only met our parents a handful of times, but the boy knows how to charm.

Our waitress arrives and we quickly order, Connor getting a burger and me, chicken pot pie. I'm really going to miss this once we graduate.

"Have you talked to any scouts yet?"

"No, but I think they're gonna start coming out to our games after Thanksgiving." Connor twiddles his thumbs, "I don't even know who's going to be looking for new guys yet."

"In a perfect world, who would be begging on your doorstep?" I ask with a small smile.

"Obviously Tampa would be amazing," he smirks, "but I also would love to be with New York or North Carolina."

Connor and I met at a Tampa Bay Lighting game almost twelve years ago while in line for hot dogs. Our dads had mutual friends, so naturally, struck up conversation leaving Connor and I to entertain ourselves. We quickly bonded over our shared love of arena food, and practically begged our parents to move our season tickets so we'd be able to hang out at every game.

After finding out Connor played hockey himself, I made it my mission to support my new best friend. I would bring him a new dessert before every game and screamed like a crazed soccer mom in the stands. In return, Connor came to every bake sale, twirling signs and forcing his teammates to come and buy up my goods. I sold out every single time.


After Connor and I finished lunch, I decided to hit the gym on my way back to the apartment.

Walking in, I see none other than Parker, who is exiting the locker room. "Parker!" I sound desperate, rushing to catch up with him.

He turns around and a smile quickly overtakes his features. "Hey, Dakota. How are you?"

"I'm good, really good." I pause, "hey, um, thanks for keeping me company the other night. Sorry I pulled you from everyone inside."

Parker softly shakes his head, "don't be sorry, I had a great time. It was getting a little crazy inside anyway."

I nod as I rock on my heels, a slightly uncomfortable silence falling over us.

"Are you coming to the game Friday?" Parker speaks up.

"Yeah, always. Connor and I's parents are coming into town, so I won't be by the ice though," I don't know why I felt the need to tell him that last part.

"I'm sure I'd be able to hear you screaming from the last row," he laughs, making me blush in embarrassment.

"I'll make sure to give it my all," I joke back. Suddenly having an idea, I change the subject, "by the way, I was thinking of making muffins tomorrow and bringing them over for you guys, would you be down for that?"

"Absolutely. I have no class so I'll be waiting with open arms," he says with a bright smile.

"Sounds great, I'll text you," I say as I start to back away. "Have a good day, Parker."

"I'll see you soon, Dakota," he walks away with a smirk.

I spend fifty percent of my workout trying to sneakily watch Parker in the mirrors and I don't even feel bad about it.


Laying down in bed that night, I pull out my phone and type out a text to Parker.

Me: Hey, it's Dakota. Does ten work for you tomorrow?

He answers seconds later.

Parker: Sounds perfect, I can't wait.

I fall asleep, unable to wipe the smile off of my face.


Can I just say, I love Connor so much.

I'm so excited that you all are finally getting to see a bit more of his personality. Once again, this is another shorter chapter but please please please bear with me, once the story really get's going they get longer.

Dakota's POV next!

<3 Court

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