05. scouts

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"Get your head out of your ass, Cadell," Connor speaks lowly as he skates by me.

Dakota told me about her and Lincoln yesterday, and now I can't look at the guy without wanting to high-stick his smug face. I've been in avoiding him during our morning skate, and it's really showing in my shitty performance.

The universe must be against me today, though, because Coach keeps partnering us for drills. Instead of passing him the puck, I keep trying to shoulder my way through the other team, never making it to the net. Not only does Connor look ready to drop kick me, but so does Coach.

As practice ends, I'm first off of the ice, eager to get away from Lincoln and the guys. I'm steps away from the locker room when Coach starts yelling. "17! In my office now. Don't worry about dressing out first."


I've never walked so fast in my life, rushing into the office and sitting down in the chair across from his desk. Coach walks in seconds later, closing the door hard behind him.

"Cadell," he lets out a heavy sigh. "I've had my eye on you for three years now, hoping one day I'd be able to convince you to play for me over here. You have no idea how excited I was to get that call from you this summer, asking for a tryout. Then, I bring you onto my team and name you assistant captain over guys who have played under me for years."

I stare at the wall behind his head, continuously trying to crack my knuckles. He wouldn't strip me of my A after one bad practice, right?

"You showed up and kicked ass last week, made me excited for the rest of the season," he finally looks up, locking eyes with me. "So what the hell had you looking like an idiot on my ice today?"

I'm frantically racking my brain, trying to decide what I should tell Coach. There is no way in hell I'm telling him what went down between Dakota and Lincoln, it's not my place.

"I'm sorry, sir. There was absolutely no excuse for my performance today, and it won't happen again." I say with certainty.

"It better fucking not. This was your one bad day for the season, no more from now on. Am I clear?"

"Crystal, sir." Tension rolls off of my shoulders.

Coach begins clicking away on his desktop, but I don't dare move, not having been dismissed yet. After a few minutes, he looks back at me with a more relaxed look on his face.

"You're trying to get drafted in May, correct?" He finally speaks.

I perk up at his question, "that is the goal, yes sir."

"Any teams you're hoping for in particular? I need to start preparing to talk to some scouts."

"I would be very happy with the Predators, Ducks, or Avalance. I think they're great teams and I could bring a lot to the table," I say with confidence.

Coach nods in approval, "those are solid, though I'm going to add a couple more to that list for you so you'll have more options in the end."

"Sounds good, Coach, I appreciate it."

He waves his hand and smiles, "get out of here, son. Get your head on straight and let's make some magic this weekend."

I thank him once more before rushing to the locker room, eager to get out of my sweaty gear.


I find myself driving in the opposite direction of the hockey house without even thinking about it.

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