33. presents

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When I pictured getting picked up from the airport in Tampa, all I saw was Dakota standing by the baggage claim, bouncing on her toes with an over-excited smile on her face. Then, she'd run into my arms and tell me how much she loves me.

Instead, Connor stands next to Brooks, who holds a sign reading: We missed you more than Tony Stark missed Peter Parker during the blip

The worst part is, that I'm not even disappointed because of the Marvel reference.

As I approach, Brooks hands his sign off and hugs me tight. I return the gesture with a pat on the back and do the same with Connor before they lead me out to his dad's car.

"Damn, the weather is a breath of fresh air compared to Michigan and North Carolina," I let out a puff of air, staring out the window.

Connor slaps my shoulder lightly, "you can walk outside without your balls retracting inside your body."

"Makes me want to streak," Brooks rolls down the window, sticking his head out.

Both Connor and I's faces twist in disgust, wanting to rid our brains of the image he's painting.

Minutes into the drive, Connor admits to me that Dakota was supposed to be the one who picked me up this morning, but when she woke up earlier they lied and told her my flight was delayed and waited until she fell back to sleep to leave so they could get me to themselves.

I landed at eight this morning, and knowing her, she would've probably shown up an hour before that just in case I got here early. While part of their reasoning was selfish, I know they also probably didn't want her driving tired. I would do the same thing.

Not that I'd ever say it to her face, but she really isn't the best driver normally, so her driving while half-asleep would be an issue.

"Sorry," I glance at them when my phone beeps for the fifth consecutive time and turn it on silent.

"Is that her?" Brooks' head comes back inside the car.

"Nah, it's my mom. She says hello, she also won't stop talking about how much she loved having Kota with us."

Connor pulls onto a quiet, suburban street, the houses looking straight out of a beach vacation movie. While some are white or brown, others are bright pink, yellow, and blue.

"I'm assuming everything went well, then?"

I chuckle, thinking back on that weekend. "I'd say so. My uncle asked me when I was planning on proposing."

Holding up a hand, Connor accidentally hits the breaks a bit too hard when we come into the driveway. "With marriage comes babies, and I'm far too young to be an uncle. I'll give you my blessing in two years."

"Noted," I laugh, jumping out of the car and immediately being surrounded by their moms.

They were waiting for us on the porch and were quite obviously just hoping to intercept me before their girl steals all of my attention. After about five minutes of being smothered with affection and compliments, I finally make my way over to their husbands, firmly shaking both of their hands.

"We were just about to start breakfast, hun," Dakota's mom informs me. "Kota is still sleeping if you want to go grab her."

"Yeah, absolutely," I accidentally rush to the front door too eagerly and only stop when I hear Brooks call my name out.

He lifts my bag, holding it tight. "I'm keeping this so that you're forced to come bunk with me instead of staying here."

Everyone laughs, including me, and I just agree so that I can get upstairs faster. Thanks to the house tour I was given over facetime a few days ago, I know exactly how to get to Dakota's room and open the cracked door to find her sound asleep, on her side facing away from the door.

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