06. parents

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I look very out of place in the airport right now.

I'm picking Connors and I's parents up and taking them straight to the arena from the airport. Because of that, I'm already dripping in UMich hockey gear. I'm currently wearing a UMich beanie, stickers under each eye, crew socks, and Connor's away jersey.

Just as I pull out my phone to check the time, I hear screaming.

"Dakota, baby!" I see two middle-aged women running at me with their arms stretched out. Before I know it, I'm sandwiched between them as they squeeze all of the air out of my body.

"Too tight," I manage to get out between small laughs that sound more like wheezing.

The two quickly release me, but leave a hand on my arm as they smile at me. "My beautiful girl, I missed you too much" my mom look at me with tears in her eyes.

I laugh again, "mom, I was home a month ago."

"Shh, just let me be emotional." She acts as if she's wiping tears away with a laugh.

"Dakota, you just get more and more gorgeous every time I see you," it's now Colleen's turn to fawn over me.

I just smile in response, seeing our father's come up behind the moms.

"Dad!" I push forward, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing, before moving over to Connor's dad, Dean.

Our families have spent holidays and birthdays together for the past eleven years, once Connor and I started refusing to spend them apart. At this point, we're basically one big, happy, blended family.

"As excited as I am to see you all, we really need to get moving. The boys will throw a fit if I'm not next to the ice by the end of warmups." All of the parents laugh, knowing how true the statement is, as we head out to the car.

I got to drive Connor's truck today, my little Subaru Outback being too small to comfortably fit everyone. He claims I'm a shit driver when I really just enjoy going fast, so getting to drive his precious baby is always fun.

I get us to the arena in no time, ushering the parents to walk faster as warmups end in less than ten minutes.

Once inside, they all head to our seats a few rows behind the penalty box while I head down to the glass. We had to buy tickets for today's game so that we could all sit together. Connor was upset I'd be so far from the bench, but he'll get over it.

I slap my hands against the glass a few times, quickly getting Connor and Parker's attention. I wave like an idiot at them with the biggest smile on my face. Connor returns the wave while Parker just sends me a bright smile.

"Did she make it in one piece?" Connor asks once he and Parker reach me. And before you get it wrong, he's talking about his beloved truck, not his poor mother.

I flash him my middle finger while rolling my eyes. "Fuck you, it's fine."

Parker just laughs at our exchange, not taking his eyes off of me. I notice he keeps glancing down at my jersey though.


"Kick some Notre Dame ass boys!" I give the glass one more hit as warmups come to an end, before heading back to my seat.


Parker is on fire tonight.

Connor told me he was acting in a funk at practice the other day, but I'd say after his second goal and third assist that he was over whatever it was.

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