11. wine and dine

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For some insane reason, I thought Michigan would be warmer than Wisconsin.

I was very, very wrong.

Luckily, the sun came out while I was in class so I shed my puffer as I walk outside. Just as I finish undressing, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I pull it out to see my mom calling.

"Hey ma, how are you?"

"Parker Elliot Cadell, I have not heard from you in three days. Your father and I thought you were in the hospital." She sounds upset.

I roll my eyes, "you and dad?"

"Well maybe just me, but still." I can tell she's just giving me shit now.

"You know I'd call if something happened, I'm fine." I let out a slight chuckle, "but we do actually need to talk about your trip up next month," I change the subject.

"Oh yes, please!" She quickly forgets about my few days of silence. "Your father and I were thinking we'd come up the night before the game Thursday, and then we can all fly back here the Saturday afternoon."

"Sounds perfect, I'll make sure the boys are free the morning of the game so you can meet them." As I glance to the outdoor study area on my left, I do a double-take, seeing the honey brown hair I'd know anywhere.

"Sorry, mom, but I just got a text from Coach, I have to run into the rink for a meeting. I'll text you later, okay?" I lie, not feeling too bad about it.

"Okay, hun. Don't overwork yourself, I love you!"

"I won't, I love you too mom." I hang up the phone as I duck into the small coffee shop to my right.

As I'm waiting for my hot chocolates, I'm trying to figure out a way to make it seem like I just happened to "bump" into Dakota without looking like a stalker. I don't figure it out, though, as I grab our drinks and make my way over to her table.

It's officially been one month since I left my cave of a room and finally met the girls, and every time I see Dakota I mentally kick myself for not coming out sooner. For robbing her and I of extra time together.

I quietly walk up behind her before placing the cups down and bracing my hands on either side of her, caging her in. She jumps before turning around, eyes wide and a hand against her chest.

"Holy shit Parker," her laugh is unreal. "I thought I was getting kidnapped for a second."

"Don't tempt me," I smirk, leaning down and placing a light kiss on her lips.

She gives me a bright smile before glancing at the cups, "is this for me?" I nod in response, "did you know I was here?"

"Nope, they accidentally made an extra, and then I saw you when I was walking by." I can tell by the look on her face that she sees right through my bluff. "You look beautiful today, by the way. It's hurting my eyes," I try to change the subject.

She just laughs at me again, and gestures to the table, "do you want to join me for a little? Or are you busy?"

I don't hesitate, moving to the other side of the table and sitting in the chair directly across from her. "I've always got time for you, Lowen."

Her face heats up at my words, and I can't lie, it feels good to know I have that kind of effect on her.

"Are you ready for the Halloween party this weekend?" She questions, sipping her hot chocolate.

"Of course, the boys and I got our costumes yesterday. We're going to be firemen, I hope you like suspenders," I wink.

We're still undecided on the final outfit, Brooks votes no shirt just a jacket, and Connor says white t-shirt no jacket. I'm the tie-breaking vote, but something tells me I'm going to side with Brooks on this one to appease the girl sitting across from me.

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