My Name Is Shawn

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Shawn stepped into the club with her head held high, a crown atop her curls, and the first outfit of the night looking all to glamorous. She heard the screams and cheers just for her. Today, yes today was all about her and her happiness.

If anyone even thought about fucking it up, they would have SO much hell to pay!

When she caught sight of Christian during her grand entrance, she slipped her arm through his. A Queen needed a King. All eyes of envy, jealousy, excitement, and well-wishers were upon her in that moment.

Shawn barely registered the sounds of Beyoncé's 'Flawless' playing in the background over everyone. She grinned widely when her parents looked down from the VIP section. They were the best and spoiled her to no end.

After she was put upon a pedestal by her escort, Shawn was handed a microphone. She looked around for the noise to die down before she spoke. The smile on her face just grew bigger as she realized how many people loved her and cared enough to celebrate HER day.

'To all my people, I love you so much for coming and enjoying this day with me. I especially want to thank the most amazing people in my life. Sharon and Antonio Steelson, my parents.' She paused for everyone to applaud her greatest supporters. 'And now, let's party like some MFking rock stars!'

Her mini speech caused everyone to get rowdy. She watched in joy as everyone began to dance and just have fun. Her nervousness was gone and all she had to do now was TURN THE F UP!


Cookie placed a hand on the table after she finished sipping her drink and stared up into the eyes of Jamal. He had just gotten off stage. She wanted him to pursue a career with bigger venues and ticket sales. But Jamal was his own man.

'Your father doesn't see all this potential you have and that's his mistake...' Cookie whispered as she stared over Jamal with a guilty feeling coursing through her veins.

Her mistake.

Her biggest mistake.

'Ma, are you okay? You look like you seen a ghost.' Jamal got Cookie's attention and she quickly waved him off. She had some demons, but they were her own to deal with. He already had more than he should have to bear. 'Look Dad can go to Hell for all I care, right now my focus is ME.'

Cookie nodded absentmindedly.


'Can I have Alyssa Davenport's number?' Cookie asked as she stared out of her apartment window. It was the first time that she really sat down in the spacious loft. But...

'My case file number is FAD-96-13748. Yes, I am Loretha Lyon née Holloway. I guess...' Cookie waited for the clerk on the other hand to locate her caseworker. She thought of why she even wanted startle an old grave. 'Hello, can I ask if you closed the adoption that took place 18 years ago?' Cookie's heart began to beat rapidly as she waited patiently, well as patiently as Cookie could wait, before she was given an answer.

Her heart broke.

The next thing that she heard was soft mumbling that she barely understood. Her mind was elsewhere. Thoughts of her beautiful girl all grown up took over.

'There is one way that you can contact the family. I will have to tell them your wishes, but it is totally up to them if you are allowed to even be a part of their daughter's life.' Ms. Davenport tried to give Cookie the benefit of the doubt. It was a poor attempt as it hurt Cookie to know that someone else was granted the rights to love and appreciate her child. 'Thank you, Ms. Davenport. I guess I just wondered "what if?" and this was my only resort.' Cookie sounded defeated, maybe because she was tired of all the drama.

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