The Hills

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'Get off your knees, T. I think Keyla's at the door.' Shawn whispered as she touched Tianna's shoulder.

The other girl reluctantly got up and closed her robe which was bare underneath. Shawn pulled on her large boyfriend button up shirt and gave the girl a peck on the lips.

'Hurry back, Shawn. I'm horny!' Tianna pouted.

When Shawn opened the door, she sort of regretted it. It wasn't Keyla, but Hakeem. Shit!

'What's up, bro? I'm kind of busy.' She didn't rub it in his face like she would if they weren't trying to settle their little dispute. 'Can you at least call before you stop by?'

Shawn let him in with a gesture of her hand.

Hakeem was alone and he looked high, drunk, or all of the above. That's why he had yet to respond without a dopey smile. She almost went to the kitchen to hose him down.

'Camilla left last night. My father told me she went back to wherever she came from with a check big enough to keep her financially stable for years.' Hakeem's words were slurred.

That killed the mood.

Her girlfriend could wait. Hakeem was opening up to her and she really wanted to listen. To be the sister he deserved.

'Well that's her loss, but are you sure? How do you know?' Shawn asked. She led him to her couch to sit down. He held her hand. 'Remember who our father is?'

Hakeem didn't laugh.

She didn't say anything else.

'Tianna's here? I can see her jacket and purse on the dining room table.' Shawn had forgot they were about to eat dinner when things had gotten out of control.

'Yeah, but it's just me and you right now. Forget about her. You need me.' Shawn ran a hand through her curly hair. Hakeem watched her with sad eyes.

'Is that real?' He asked.

'Is what real?'

'Your hair? Is it yours? I've met so many women with fake hair that I never see anyone wearing their natural hair.' Hakeem wondered aloud.

Shawn laughed like really laughed at his comment. This brought Tianna into the room. She was curious to the sound.

'Hey Keem, what's up?' Tianna was courteous though she looked a little uncomfortable in her robe. Hakeem smirked. 'Nothing, Tianna. Look like you the one having all the fun.' She rolled her eyes in mock upset.

Shawn stopped laughing at seeing the two of them acting like nothing was wrong. How could he do that? Tianna betrayed him. She had done nothing wrong, yet she had been given the cold shoulder.

'Do you want an apology?' Shawn was confused as to what he wanted.

Hakeem gave her that look that meant she was fine. But she didn't feel right. Like they were not strangers or enemies.

'I think we need a day or two for ourselves to get us on track. Right? Because I'm not feeling the love.'

Tianna snuck away when Hakeem's attention was on to Shawn.

The room grew silent.

Shawn had been known as Ciara Lyon to her brothers when Cookie had actually told them about her, but now she was here and the only people willing to know her was Jamal and Cookie.

Lucious was a monster in disguise.

Andre was a ticking time bomb.

Hakeem was a scared boy who wanted to be loved.

How could she get them to love her the way families love their sister and daughter?

Maybe listening to Hakeem's problems was the first step to a long road of being a Lyon.

Not only by blood.

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