My Name Is Shawn, Pt. II

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A pink Lamborghini with purple flames sat in the driveway.

Everyone's reaction was just as Shawn's, a bunch of screaming and speechless noises. She jumped for about several minutes in pure shock and happiness. Her very own sports car.

'Thank you so, so, so much, Mommy and Daddy.' Shawn hugged them tightly for their amazing generosity. She had witnessed it over the years, but this was extreme. 'We hoped you would like it. You got to go big when you are a Queen, right?' Her dad acted as if he had some gene of cool and Shawn didn't want to break his heart.

She just laughed at his corny statements and smiled widely at the coolest car she had ever laid eyes on. Christian could barely even keep his jaw off the ground. Shawn giggled at how her day had just gotten a lot better.

After entering the car and playing with it for a few moments, Shawn went back in to finish partying. Her hands were filled with shot after shot whenever she was handed one. She was handed a lot of them.

'Can we talk to you, Shawn?' Antonio and Sharon asked with a hint of urgency even as they kept their voices even and intentions hidden. Shawn went along with her parents. 'We have some news to share with you, sweetheart.' Antonio spoke first as the teenager looked between the two of them.

The conversation barely started when Shawn started to cry.

'I knew it... You both are amazing and give me the world but you and I look nothing alike. I wanted to believe because I love you both. What does this mean now? I'm not your daughter.' Shawn had just been given the worst news of her life. She had suspected that they were her adopted family but she wanted to believe in differences amongst families. 'No baby, you are ours forever and always, but she does want to meet you. Are you willing to do that?' Sharon spoke with gentle eyes of sympathy.

Shawn was all to curious.


The fur coat that Cookie wore caused her to sweat more than usual or was it the next stop she was taking. She'd never been in such a pristine community before. Her life was surrounded by dirty money, drugs, rap music, and murder. It was hard to imagine that she had sent her daughter off to some place like this.

Clean, fancy, cut off...

'Please enter, Miss Lyon. Mister Steelson will be with you shortly.' One of their maids escorted Cookie into the den area where people could find photos of the happy family. 'Cute, she really has her father's eyes. But that is all me.' Cookie whispered as she examined the family portrait where her daughter was only about six years old.

A throat cleared softly.

Cookie spun around to stare into the eyes of Sharon Steelson. She gestured for Cookie to be seated. Her demeanor was restricted like she only allowed their meeting on the most basic of terms. Cookie had never expected such a modern day housewife as her daughter's mother, but then again; what do you expect when you meet the woman who raised your child?

'Shawn's party ended an hour ago. She's asleep upstairs. I told her that if she wanted, she could meet you in the morning.' Sharon held the tone of a woman trying to understand the intentions of a sneaky bear surrounding her cub. 'Can I go up to see her? I can't stay longer than tonight for right now...'

Cookie's steps were light as she entered Shawn's room. She took in the huge, spacious area like she had done with the whole Steelson household. Her eyes finally gazed on Shawn.

Shawn wasn't asleep.

She was gazing at the wall covered with images and photography. Cookie didn't know if she should move closer. The air was cool but that wasn't why a shudder ran the length of her spine.

It was the song that Shawn had been softly singing.

'You're so beautiful...'

Cookie broke the moment with a piece of the song that made you want to get up and dance. Shawn's head snapped up.

'What are you doing here?' Shawn asked with her voice sounding rough. Like she had been crying. Which she had. 'Why did you come?' Her eyes grew wide with fear and hurt as tears threatened to spill.

'I'm your mother, baby. I wanted to see how you were doing.' Cookie didn't seem the least bit thrown off by Shawn's obvious dislike of her appearance. 'No, you were never my mother. You are just some woman who gave birth to me. I don't even know who you are.' Shawn hissed with intentions to hurt Cookie as much as she was hurting.

Cookie sighed.

'You are my Angel. My Guardian Angel. I will forever feel your protection even when you leave me. My beautiful baby girl, Ciara Patience-Nicole Lyon, all grown up.' Cookie let some tears drop in relief that she had found her daughter. Even one who she herself had given away. 'No... I am Shawn Elyse Steelson and my mother is Sharon Steelson.' The hard part wasn't pushing Cookie away, the hardest part for Shawn was wanting Cookie but what about her own mother?

Cookie smiled sadly. She could only do and say so much. Her heart was broken, but it had been this way for some time. Maybe time would help fix it.

'I don't know if you hate me for what I did or for the fact that I came back. I don't know why I'm doing this, but all I know is you belong with me and our family. No matter what, I got you. Ciara, Shawn, you have my word.' Cookie placed a picture frame on Shawn's bed as a gift.

It was Shawn's 18th birthday after all.

'I don't want you to go..." Shawn whispered in a panic.

'Yes you do, you don't understand yet but soon I will give you all the answers to your questions.' The older woman smiled at the teary eyes girl as she hurried to leave.

Shawn stared the frame divided into three sections. First, a photo of Cookie and her husband looking happy while sitting atop an old school car. Second, three young boys smiling up at the camera with their hands behind their backs. Third, an ultrasound of a 32 week old fetus. This was a great present that wouldn't exist without that woman.

'Am I Ciara Lyon?' Shawn asked herself.


Okay, we have met Cookie. She didn't exactly warm up to nicely in their reunion but it will get better. Her next step is identity and meeting more people in the life that she would have had.

A twister is coming!

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