Sweetest Dish On The Menu

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Shawn raised a brow as she heard the story about how Hakeem was found at Beretti's party with Anika. She kind of felt bad that her brother stooped to that level. But she had done the same when Jamal stole her boyfriend and Hakeem rejected her as a sister.

Okay, forget that.

'He's hurting. I understand where he came from but not that disgusting hag. Why?!' Shawn stressed as she thought up a way to get some dirt on Beretti and his label.

Tianna rolled her eyes at the look on Shawn's face. She knew it was something negative.

'He offered me a deal. Since Lucious and Cookie have been busy, my career is on hold. I might be leaving Empire soon.' Tianna slowly started as she watched Shawn's expression go from thoughtful to pissed in 2.5 seconds. 'What the fuck are you saying? You don't say that shit while I'm naked. Fuck wrong with you!'

She had the audacity to shrug like it was nothing.

'What does you being naked have to do with anything?'

Shawn chuckled dryly.

'Because bitch, I have to pull on some motherfucking clothes to beat your ass now! Never mind, just get your shit and leave my house.'

Tianna got her stuff and left. It was not like they were in love with one another, but they did care deeply about one another. What Tianna just said and Shawn's reaction confirms that.

After she was gone, Tianna called Jamal to inform her that they were losing someone else off the Empire Roster. It would mean more money to launch her career but Tianna was talented. She deserved more attention, however that doesn't even matter now.

A knock broke her concentration and she opened the door.

'Ma, what you doing here so late?' Shawn grabbed her robe to cover herself. Sharon just rolled her eyes and looked around at the messy condo her daughter had moved into. 'You need a maid. Should your Father and I send someone? Is that girlfriend of yours staying here?'

Shawn huffed in frustration as she grabbed a bra from her mother.

'No thanks. No Tianna and I are no longer seeing each other.' She sighed as she cleaned an area for her mother to sit down. Instantly regretting not taking up the maid offer.

After the run in with her mother, Shawn caught up with the detective that had outted Anika's wrongdoings to look up information about Beretti and hopefully locate Camilla.

She cared about Hakeem.


Cookie glared at Lucious as he practically threw in a towel once the realization that his roster was becoming smaller and smaller. She had plans for this company, Beretti and Anika be damned.

'I've got to make the choice. After the White Party, someone is getting Empire.' Lucious growled as he slammed his hand on his desk.

Becky strolled in with Andre behind her. He looked like he hadn't slept in awhile. Whatever Lucious had sent him to do was obviously done.

'Where's Vernon, Andre? Cookie, could you excuse us?' The questions were sharp and left no room for complaints or hesitations. 'With a detective on the case about Bunkie's death. I told them what I saw and the contact that I met up with said there was a witness but only a drugged up hobo.' Lucious nodded as he thought about how he could further clear his name.

Andre looked at him as if he wanted to say something.

But he just turned and left, leaving Lucious to replay the scene over and over again in his head.


Christian wore a smile as Jamal sang to him during their fifth date. It was sweet and something different, for sure. Jamal kept him on his toes. No date was boring when he was with Jamal.

'Are you going to come out at the White Party?'

Jamal shrugged.

'Just be sure. This could make or break your career, Mal. I would love to see you at the top.' Christian spoke as he held Jamal's right hand. He was greeted with that amazing smile of said man.


Shawn let the bartender give her refill after refill until she finally called it quits.

'What a beautiful lady just waiting around to be loved.' A voice sent chills down her spine.

'Mr. Riem. What are you doing here?' Shawn questioned as she slipped from the bar stool and pulled on her jacket. 'It's Willow. Do you remember me?' He held her steady around the waist as she swayed drunkenly.

'Of course. You taught me for two years at my high school.' She leaned on him since he was providing the support. Her nose smelled his cologne. It was spicy, sweet, and made her want some Mexican food.

He laughed at her moan of delight.

After crawling in the back of a taxi with her seeing as she fell asleep. They arrived at his home and he put her to bed.

She smiled in her sleep. It was like she was having the best dream in the world. He watched her until he stripped off his clothes and slept on the couch.

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