I'm Not Your Problem

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Shawn slipped into her father's office with a stealth like none other in a pair of high heels. She had been asked by her mother to come to a reconciliation so that her brand could be backed up.

'Lucious, Lucious...The infamous street rat turned legend. How cute?' Shawn placed her legs on his desk with a devious grin.

He walked in with Becky at his side.

'Becky, leave us. My daughter has issues and doesn't take kindly to strangers.' Lucious tried to be funny as he waved away his assistant.

Shawn thought about how to be polite and get this man on board with her cause. She was an upcoming artist who could make them both a lot of money. Her mouth was holding her back.

She had to watch her life through someone else's eyes.

'Should I call you father now that you have acknowledged me as your daughter?' She seemed to have gotten her act together.

Lucious gave her that wicked smile of his.

'Well seeing as my ex-wife failed to tell me of your existence it was kind of hard to believe at first.' Lucious threw his files down on the desk and shoved his hands in his suit pants. 'But now that you are bringing in millions of dollars before a formal album release, I have to admit that your talent is something I passed on to you.'

Shawn laughed like a mad scientist at that.

'You really think my talent was manifested from ignorance. I worked hard to get this voice, this skill, and that talent you claim came from you.' Shawn went off. She had enough with everyone trying to belittle her and her talent.

Lucious had nerve though and he pushed her into a corner.

'But once they hear who your Father is, they will always talk about how Lucious Lyons gave you everything you have.' He chuckled darkly at her face.

It was growing redder by the second.

'I'm not your problem. I will go somewhere else if I have to. This company is cute and all but I see you and your little lies for what they are. You will not trap me.'

Shawn let herself out as Lucious fumed about her threat to leave.

Everything he said, he meant. But one thing was for sure that he needed her. She was strong. Something about her had yet to show up in his boys.

Could she be the next ruler of Empire?

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