- note from the author

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hi! so this note was posted a while but i'm editing now to fit better with current readers but to also make sense to my older readers as well.

so, i've had a lot of intense personal matters happen near the end of writing this story and it caused me to evaluate a lot and think about what really is motivating me and to be completely honest, there is no motivation for me to continue the story of cas and rick past this. it's not that i've fallen out of love with rick and morty, cas or this book, it's a matter of just not having motivation any more. i think it really began to show near the end of the second half of the story. this book will remain up though, don't worry on that. the story just hasn't motivated me in any way and i haven't found myself enjoying the prospect of writing it. in fact, i found myself dreading it and it came tedious writing for it. everything i write for other books i'm planning all are so enjoyable to me and this story just falls flat now. nothing about it makes me happy anymore and i hate that but it's the unfortunate truth.

despite all that, i'm exceptionally grateful for this book and everything it's done. it's still one of my favorites and cas will always be my favorite oc i've created and she means just so much to me. rick and cas will always be one of my one of my favorite pairings i've created and i will never disagree on that. and i'm also exceptionally grateful for all this story has brought me. all of you readers have been amazing and i'm so thankful for each and every one of you. the response to this book has been so much more positive than i ever expected and honestly has made me a much better writer. i mean, as of editing this, the story is about to hit 100k reads. that's insane and i never would have predicted that would have happened when i started this. i'm so grateful for each person who has read this story.

moving on though, in short, there will not be a book two and tragically this story ends on a bad note i can say though, that no matter how they end, cas and rick will always love each other. they were never the most healthy relationship, and i never intended for them to always be very healthy. it's not realistic for them but despite that, they will always love one another.

moving on again, i've been trying to take the time to prioritize what makes me happy and what i love instead of things that do the opposite. it's been a long eye opening few months and my mental health has been really good since i've started focusing on better things for me and i want to prioritize that even if it means cutting off things i want care about. and unfortunately, this book just hasn't made the cut of something i want and need to prioritize.

i genuinely apologize for this, i really do. this is not how i wanted this book to end but it's just not working out for me much anymore. right now, i'm not sure if i will be posting an epilogue or any kind of wrap up for it. i'll try to work on it as much as i can but i can't make any promises on either right now.

that being said, i've had a few people that have sent me their fan art and some fan videos of rick and cas. please continue doing so if this story motivates you enough. it makes me VERY happy to see them and i will never deny them. i am not on twitter anymore but i am on tumblr @ morimewesker and instagram @ tiredofmidnightblues.

i really hope you all understand.

again, i'm sorry and thank you for this amazing journey :).

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