02. m. night shaym-aliens!

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*i'm so excited to write this episode.
this has been edited. enjoy!*

Cas had learned many things since coming to the Smith household

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Cas had learned many things since coming to the Smith household. She felt her adjustment into the Smith house had been fairly easy and that she knew their routine's well enough by now. She'd wake up early in the morning to one of three things. Beth and Jerry arguing, Summer shouting at Morty as they got ready for school or lastly, Rick's ungodly loud snores that he always denied.

She knew that everything happened the same way most days and she was fine with that. Cas would wake up to one of the three same things and get dressed for the day. She'd brush her hair, shower and do whatever else was needed before knocking on Rick's door until he woke up. Another of the many things about her that he swore he hated but Cas knew how people like Rick operated. He'd push everyone else away and deny when they were truly helpful. Besides, Rick would never admit it out loud but Cas' bright smile being one of the first things he saw almost every morning was always something he counted on.

After everyone woke and got ready, the family would eat breakfast together, everyone eating eggs, sausage and hashbrowns while Cas ate a rainbow colored cereal with dairy free milk. Rick would take a few bites of his own meal and tinker at the table before Cas would make him eat more. Morty and Summer would go off to school, Beth and Jerry would go to work, and it left Cas and Rick lounging around in the garage or on the couch.It was the same thing almost every morning.

So when Cas woke up on her own, she knew something was off and her first red flag went up. The house was deadly silent as she stepped into the hallway, still in her pajamas, a green tank top and black shorts

"Rick?" She called out, knocking on his door.

"Cassiopeia?" She heard a slightly robotic voice version of Rick's call out from downstairs. Without hesitation, but with caution, she made her way downstairs to see the whole family eating their breakfast quietly. Rick had a genuine grin slapped on his face, as did the rest. "Good morning, Cassiopeia!" Cas cringed at his excitement and the use of her full name, which no one but her father ever used. It was always Cas and she made sure of that.

"It's Cas, Rick, you know this." She said and sat down to see the bowl in front of her was filled with the wrong shaped rainbow cereal. The use of her full name, Rick's happy face and the misshapen cereal had been the next few red flags to go up. Yet, she did nothing about it. She needed to be careful and make sure something was truly wrong before she jumped to conclusions. She had to be smart about it.

"Right!" He said and turned back to his almost completely eaten plate of food. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Cassiopeia, would you like to join Morty and I for an adventure today?"

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