- unanswered questions

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it's been a minute hasn't it? before i get any hopes up, i am not continuing this story. i've grown out of the rick and morty space recently but i still love cas and rick so i wanted to come here and say something to y'all. this little bonus chapter is just going to be a space for me to answer any unanswered questions and explain certain things i wish i expanded on in the story and comments from various point of the story. so... here you go!

first most common question i see is "why am i here" or "why am i reading this?" and really the most likely answer is ✨daddy issues✨ or any other form of authority figure/parental issues. and if you don't have those... then idk what you're doing here.

secondly, a brief thing on a comment i get sometimes, cas' name compared to castiel's. yeah, i actually did draw inspiration for castiel's name for cas' name. she was originally going to be aurora borealis pines, after the northern lights since her powers are electromagnetic and stuff. cause the northern lights happen cause of the earths magnetic field and stuff. but i started a rewatch of supernatural at the same time and changed her name very very very last minute to cassiopeia andromeda pines. also i don't think i ever mentioned this either but it was stanford that named cas during the short week he knew her as a baby. so yeah. that's all on cas' name lol.

thirdly, cas' confusing set of powers. in the early planning of this story, I had no intention of ever explaining cas' abilities and where they came from. i just wanted her to be born with them and that was it. however, as i developed her, i had some cool ideas and the one i settled on was actually a little similar to america chavez' and this was before i ever knew anything about her origin. i had the idea that cas' mother came from a planet where powers like that were common but not nearly as powerful as cas' was but because she was that species and human, it made her kind of even stronger. to bring it back to inspo from the mcu, kind of like ego in the guardians of the galaxy where all his attempts to create his power in a child failed until he mixed it with a human so.

i had a plan for later in the second book that never made it to fruition for all that to be revealed and it was gonna be kind of meta like when rick complains about "doing a star wars" in the finale of season 4. cas would make a similar comment about the marvel universe or something like that. i was gonna set up for cas' mother to come into play during that and taken the place of "ego" and she was gonna have the vibes of hela from the mcu. it was all super cool but ultimately, it just didn't work out and the cookie crumbled a different way.

going off her powers, the pointless arc of her glowing veins which i swear had a bigger purpose that was to be explored at some point. as mentioned, cas was kind of meant to be the most powerful of her "kind". so it was a way to set up something bigger as her powers are very much tied to her emotions and both times her powers did that were times of high stress. cas never knew just how powerful she was intended to be. the whole "very lightly controlling the thoughts of people using the electromagnetic pulses from their brain" that was in one chapter (the vindicators chapter i believe) and never mentioned again was also a part that was going down that route but it never came to fruition. to summarize, everything she does in this book was minuscule in the grand scheme of what i had planned for her to reach. think of it like with how scarlet witch started with just moving things around in a cell and then is now this insanely powerful being who has still barely scratched the surface of what she can do. i'm so upset i never got to the point of being able to show her potential. i got all her power ideas from a wiki page on how elecotrmagnetic and magnetic abilities like hers could work and i was so excited but alas, it didn't work out.

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