08. close rick-counters of the rick kind, pt.2

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*and this chapter is officially edited for grammatical errors. i hate having to split these chapters in half and i'm sure i'll regret having done so when i come back to edit the split ones lmao. update: yeah i'm regretting it. enjoy.*

It hadn't been long until Rick, Morty and Cas all sat down at some restaurant in the dimension they landed in

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It hadn't been long until Rick, Morty and Cas all sat down at some restaurant in the dimension they landed in. Cas sat with her arms crossed, staring out the window as Rick tinkered with his portal gun as Morty watched. It was an awkward tension, as usual, and almost dead silent besides ordering their food. Cas' leg was bouncing up and down slightly and Rick could hear it, forcing himself not to snap at her to stop, the noise and movement of the table driving him insane. Cas' eyes hadn't moved from looking out the window the entire time since she sat down, her mood at an all time low for her. She hated feeling this way towards Rick and hated having to reply back with snide comments but she felt like he backed her into a corner this way and she didn't have a choice.

It didn't matter if she hated it though, at least he hadn't forced to leave yet.

"The Ricks are probably going to spend some time messing with Jerry, they won't be able to help themselves," Rick spoke up which caused Cas to frown at that. She never disliked Jerry, sure he got on her nerves sometimes but she had a decent friendship with him and didn't hate him unlike Rick. "But as soon as they get bored, they'll be on to us."

"Phones a la clams, phonesghetti with no phone balls and a phonesghetti with phone balls," the waiter chair said and Cas tore her eyes from the window. She didn't have an appetite right now, despite the food actually looking pretty good. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, more phone sticks, please." Rick shook the basket of bread sticks that were just shaped like phone's. Cas had nibbled on one earlier to make up for the lack of breakfast but that was it.

"You know, Rick, when I first saw all those Ricks and Mortys, I thought, 'gee, that kind of devalues our bond.'" Morty said, frowning slightly, "But then I realized it just means that our relationship must be pretty special to span over all those different timelines." Morty smiled widely and turned to look at Cas. "Yours and Cas' too!" He added, hoping it would plant something in one of their minds that their argument was pointless.

"Yeah. It's got to be that way. You're a camouflage," Rick shrugged nonchalantly. Morty furrowed his eyebrows, asking what Rick meant. Cas couldn't wait for Morty to be just as pissed off as she was at Rick when he found out, just as she had been. "Ricks have a very distinctive and traceable brain wave due to our genius. The best way to hide from and enemy's radar is to stand near someone with complementary brain waves that make ours invisible." Rick explained and pulled a pen out to draw on his napkin while still focusing on his portal gun. "See, w-w-when a Rick i-is with a Morty, the genius waves gets canceled out by the uh... Morty waves." Rick cleared his throat at the last part awkwardly.

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