11. auto erotic assimilation

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*not edited btw. anyways, just want to put a warning, we all know this episode. if you're sensitive to mentions of attempted suicide, please skip the ending.*

Summer, Morty and Rick all sang along to the song on the radio, Cas folding her arms across her chest with a false grumpy face

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Summer, Morty and Rick all sang along to the song on the radio, Cas folding her arms across her chest with a false grumpy face. She told the three that she hated the song and of course, they began to sing obnoxiously and dance along too it. "I'm never telling you guys when I hate a song ever again," Cas rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"It's my favorite song," Rick teased with a smile as the two kids in the back laughed along. "Oh yeah! Distress beacon!" Rick exclaimed as the small device next to him lit up red and beeped rapidly.

"You're excited about that?" Morty asked his grandfather.

"The first rule of space travel, kids and Cassie, is always check out distress beacons." Rick told them with a grin, "9 out of 10 times, it's a ship full of dead aliens and a bunch of free shit!" He cheered and Cas rose an eyebrow. He turned abruptly, causing the two kids in the back to hit the side of the ship. "1 out of 10 times, it's a deadly trap, but I'm ready to roll those dice!"

"Sounds comforting," Cas commented sarcastically as they pulled up on what looked to be an abandoned ship in the middle of space.

"You know it, baby," Rick agreed with a grin as they pulled into the ship's landing bay.

The ship just began to feel like a dead end as Rick walked around with his flashlight. Cas held up a hand, green wisps lighting up the place with a slight green hue as Rick's flashlight began to die out. He hit it a few times before giving up and shoving it in his coat, not thinking to ask Cas herself to power it. "Seems like something terrible happened here," Summer commented as they passed by a few collections of spider webs. It only led Cas to believe the ship had been abandoned for quite a while by now or just wasn't properly taken care of before it took off.

"Yep, cha-ching," Rick said. "Oh, yeah, if you find a room full of eggs, don't shy away from it. Give one of them a shake," He said as he pulled out a spray paint can. "Those face huggers are worth more than this ship," He added as he began to spray a symbol on the wall.

"What are you doing, Rick?" Cas asked, not recognizing the symbol from anywhere.

"This'll make the cops write it down to a looting by the Korblocks," Rick shrugged and Cas gave an impressed look.

"That's horrible! Cas stop him!" Summer chastised.

"I hear you, man. Cops are racist," Rick replied nonchalantly.

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