Chapter 4: Hollow Crown

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The loud anthem of Panem boomed loudly as Caesar Flickerman walked on stage

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The loud anthem of Panem boomed loudly as Caesar Flickerman walked on stage. This time he was alone. He still had his bright neon pink hair but his suit was different. It was still neon pink but now it had stripes of silver to honor the new victor.

With a confident smile, he waved at the crowd of Capitol citizens around him as they cheered. He waited a few seconds for the crowd to quieten down. But they didn't. That year, the crowd seemed wilder and more excited. Augustus Braun was a close second but his solemn nature had quickly quietened the crowds.

He grinned widely, from ear to ear at the thought of the victor of the 68th Hunger Games. He always enjoyed these interviews, it was his time to shine to make them shine. The games themselves were too brutal and barbaric for him but the interviews and the fashion was the only thing he looked forward to every year.

Caesar walked to the center and gestured to his ears then pointed downwards, indicating to the crowd to quiet down. The crowd hushed as Caesar took a seat. "What an exciting game this year gave us? Am I right?" The crowd nodded and cheered. "We had not one but five standout tributes! But as we all know. Only one-" He held up his index finger to the crowd. "-And one only one can be the victor! Ladies and Gentlemen, joining me in just a few moments, this year's victor-Seraphine Reza!"

A round of applause and cheers burst at mention of the victor. Caesar carried on, discussing the games while the camera crew and directors signalled Sera to get ready to come on stage.

Behind all the cameras and lights, Sera nervously paced around. Her palms were sweaty and she was shaking. It was obvious that she wasn't used to this much attention. Her stylists buzzed around her like bees trying to do last minute fixes.

A woman with dark skin and light blue-silver hair walked over to Sera. She had icy blue lips and the same shade coated her eyelids. She also had large silver earrings and her hands were decorated with jewels. The head stylist of District 5 stylist team was an eye-catching woman, Eos demanded attention with her simplistic look.

Her arms were full of fabric flowers in dull pastel colors. She gestured for an avox to come close and dropped the flowers into their arms while she scanned Sera's dress.

Sera's dress was made of a flowy light silvery material that seemed to reflect the light as she moved. It had a long train in the back while in the front it was short, giving the illusion of taller legs despite her short height. She was coated in a light golden glitter that appeared to make her glow as if she was under the sun, a work of Rietta.

Eos then walked over to Sera and carefully started pinning the flowers to the train, bodice and skirt. She scattered them around artfully like how Sera's aunt would make her bouquets and arrangements. Eos did so carefully, being careful to not make her dress appear heavy but still appear light.

"Twenty minutes!" Ovid shouted out. His long azure hair fluttered behind him as the assistant head stylist and designer of the District 5 stylist team ran into the room, carrying a box of accessories. "Harp. Here." He handed the accessories to the bird-like woman.

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