Chapter 13: Angel of Mercy

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'Iaso Emley Clinic'

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'Iaso Emley Clinic'

A private clinic in the heart of the Capitol whose patrons were mostly wealthy elites. The doctors and nurses that worked there were said to be the best of the best.

It was where Sera was assigned to volunteer at by President Snow. She didn't know much about the clinic at first and had to rely on Scarus for some information, much to his annoyance. He found her to be a little stupid for not knowing about the clinic, ignoring she wasn't from the Capitol.

If she could help it, she wouldn't have asked him anything. She only asked because she had to, otherwise she didn't care. She just wanted to get this done and over with.

Sera and Scarus followed the nurse with the powder orange hair through the clean white clinic. Scarus glanced around, checking the place while Sera counted the seconds in her head. She didn't want to be here and neither did he. For once the two were one the same page but unfortunately, neither could protest against this.

"This is the room." The nurse announced stopping outside a room where the door was painted a bright blue. "He should be awake now."

Sera stared at the bright yellow door and breathed out, nervously. She didn't know who was behind the door, all she had was a name.

The name was also labeled on the door.

'K. Talcott'

"Are you just going to stand there?" Scarus took a step forward, his hand on the door handle.

Sera shook her head. Taking that as a signal, the nurse pushed the door open. Behind the door a sickly young boy lay in bed looking out the window. He reached out towards it before he closed his fist and brought it back to him.

"Kairos? You have a visitor." The nurse softly called out to the little boy who was deathly pale and bone thin with red eyes.

Lazily, he opened his eyes wider. His head moved from side to side as he struggled to keep his eyes open while his body trembled.

When he noticed her, he stilled before his eyes widened. He visibly brightened as he grinned brightly. "Oh! Oh! You're–you're—" He squealed loudly, clutching his sheets in his small hands.

Sera flinched but plastered a smile on her face while Scarus covered his ears, waiting for the boy to calm down. She pulled at her sleeves while waiting, she felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to go back home.

"Kai, what did we say about getting too excited?" The nurse put her hands on her hips and leaned down.

"It's bad for me." The boy deflated and sank into his bed. "Sorry, you're probably a little...overwhelmed as well."

The little boy, despite being younger than her cousin, was well-spoken and seemed intelligent.

"It's fine." Sera waved it off. "Kairos, nice to meet you. I'm Seraphine." She smiled brightly at the boy who nodded excitedly. "I brought you a little something, I don't know if you'll like it but..."

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