Chapter 41: Outrunning Karma

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Sera's heart skipped a beat at the sound of the familiar voice. She quickened her pace, trying to escape the persistent calls of her former guard, Scarus. The cacophony of music from the floor below was the only thing masking his shouts. Her heels echoed on the marble as she hastily rounded a corner, hoping to lose him.


She pushed herself to move even faster, feigning deafness to the voice that haunted her. Desperation set in as she checked each room she passed, all empty. It seemed that everyone, even the children, had stayed in the ballroom.


Sera's heart pounded louder as the violins and clarinets surged, drowning out Scarus' calls. She silently praised the musicians as she rounded another corner.

To her unfortunate luck, he was faster.

Without a warning, Scarus grabbed a hold of her injured arm to stop her. His touch triggered burned her, making it difficult to breathe or focus on her task of finding Cashmere.

"Seraphine..." His voice was hushed as if savoring the syllables of her name.

Her already flustered composure almost shook in fear when he called out her name, and again tried to push his grasp away from her. He could feel her trembling under his touch, almost like she was in pain.

Sera wrenched her arm away from Scarus' grasp, trying not to gasp at the pain it caused. He stared at her arm-the one he had just released-as she cradled it tenderly.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, his voice slow and forced, the false gentleness making his words nearly slurred.

"Accidents happen." She dismissed, trying to hide her anger.

"It's been a while," he started, clasping his hands together, but his gaze focused on her empty ones. He yearned to hold her hand, a romantic notion that made Sera's stomach churn.

"So it has, Consul," Sera replied, doing her best not to sound disinterested or annoyed. "How can I help you this evening?"

"I just wanted to see if you were alright, considering...Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason caused a scene after trespassing. It's a crime to trespass, even for victors."

Her irritation with the mentioned victors dissipated as Scarus spoke. Despite her strained relationship with them, she didn't appreciate him speaking ill of them.

"What made you think they were trespassing?" She questioned. "I invited them. I'm aware that neither of them frequent charitable events..." Her voice trailed off, growing softer and more tender, nearly resembling a child's tone. "But the children," She said, gazing at him. "The children were eager to see them, and I knew it was a long shot, so I sent out some last-minute invites. I was simply surprised that they showed up."

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