Chapter 22: Between the Lines

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PART II : The Fall


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."

The Road Not Taken

- Robert Frost


Winning was easy for Zephyr, it took him less than ten days to finish the games

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Winning was easy for Zephyr, it took him less than ten days to finish the games. He felt good about himself and he could already picture his stupid uncle's face when he returned a victor. The man who had thrown him out into the streets without warning, would no doubt beg for his forgiveness.

He also wondered how Sera, his mentor, would feel. He could picture it now, she would be proud and he'd admit, she was right about a lot of things.

Yet when the doors to the medical bay opened, Emilia and Sera walked in. The latter didn't look too happy. Zephyr's smile fell.

Was it Ira?

Was she sad he let Ira die?

He tried to read her but she quickly put a smile on her face.

"Congratulations!" Emilia had gushed, looking him over for any injuries. "My! District 5 has another victor!" She clapped her hands together.

Sera nodded along but she was too distracted by her own troubles to say much but a quiet 'Congrats'.

In her mind she was counting down the days. Zephyr's crowning was in a few hours, followed by a few of her own schedules for the next two days and then the two could go home.

It wasn't long yet she felt the days had dragged itself. Since she had gotten Talissa's letter, her days felt like years and every moment she lived with fear of her aunt passing away before she even said goodbye.

Perhaps she was thankful to Plutarch for designing such an arena which helped Zephyr finish the games quickly. She chased the thought away. Thanking that man would lead to him hounding her again to join his stupid cause. She had her own problems to deal with first.

"Caesar Flickerman requested you join us for the show tonight before your crowning ceremony." Sera said, still distracted by her thoughts.

Zephyr nodded, expecting Sera to say something else but she never did. She silently led him to the dressing rooms with Emilia giving her looks of sympathy. He wondered if something happened while he was in the arena and considered asking her but he decided against it, remembering Clarisse's words.

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