Chapter 54: The First Spark

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District 11 was rioting

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District 11 was rioting.

That was the first thing Sera was told the minute she woke up.

District 11 was rioting but there was no news on the television. No scenes of violent fights or raised voices fighting against Peacekeepers. There was nothing in the papers or news. All the news showed was recaps of the games or some politician or actor having an affair. None of that really mattered.

District 11 was rioting because of Katniss Everdeen and the death of young Rue but there was no trace of proof anywhere apart from the whispers that Finnick had picked up early that morning when he was forced to leave his bed and her. But he was back before the sun had risen with grim news of Eleven.

Finnick was horrified at the prospect of the rebellion starting early and a little happy, telling Sera that it would've been much better if another two or three districts rose up. Only for Sera to point out that it was a horrible idea. The Capitol was still very much in control.

But there was one thing Finnick had said right. "Maybe if it was a district like Five, they'd listen."

"Why? Because we're the district of power?" He nodded and helped tie the back ribbon of her blouse. "We'd be another Thirteen but without the weapons." Five only had power, no weapons.

"At least, Five would cripple them for a while before the other districts rose up like Three." He retorted and she had to agree. "They can't survive on coal, not with how advanced they're technology has gotten."

"If Five stands up. The others would probably take that as an opportunity to riot and rebel but the downside is..." She trailed off to let out a pained sigh. "My family's still in there."

No matter what she still had the most to lose out of everyone. She couldn't forget that. Strategically and rationally, Five was vital and cutting it off would be a bold move but the subsequent riots and fight was not worth it.

Finnick gave her a tight smile and pulled her in for a embrace before she pulled away, pecking his lips and reminding him that her assistant was coming in an hour. 

An hour hadn't even passed and Emilia had stormed into Sera's apartment just as she'd managed to see Finnick off, her assistant narrowly missing him. Her frantic voice and movements almost caused Sera to panic until she realized that Eleven's riots had nothing to do with her.

She wasn't the one at fault and nothing could link her to it.

No, the one at fault was Katniss Everdeen.

Not even a victor yet and she was already starting fires.


"No, not impressive." Emilia had said, almost pulling out her hair or wig, Sera wasn't sure if the mauve colored hair cropped close to Emilia's ears was even her hair.

"It's too soon." Emilia carried on, again pulling her hair, a few strands of mauve in her hand. "We're not prepared for everything yet. The supply stockpile is barely full, we need another year."

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