Chapter 33: Turning Point

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"Please..." She silently begged. "Just leave me alone for five minutes. I just need some air." She pleaded, refusing to look at him.

Scarus took out a handkerchief and held it to her. She stared at his outstretched hand bitterly. It all felt ingenuine to her, a mockery of her outburst of emotions. Still, she took it but not because she wanted to but because she had to.

Her aunt was gone, never coming back from where she went and she might be losing her siblings. Her life had never been so bleak. Talissa for all her faults was a great sister, the one who stayed up day and night to tend to Sera in poor health. She sacrificed her desire to simply carry on after their aunt to not only learn the art of making medicine but also went on to study to become a doctor. Her brother who always understood her no matter what.

She was going to lose them all.

She had never felt so alone and so helpless.

Tears threatened to overflow from her eyes as she swallowed them all, desperately trying to hold herself together and not fall apart. She had tried so damn hard to just be happy. She promised her aunt but what was the point if her future didn't have her family. The people that she fought hard to live for.

What was the point of it all?

She took sharp labored breaths, trying to keep her wildly beating heart calm. Her lungs felt as if they were collapsing, her head hurt and her heart ached. She couldn't do this anymore.

What was the point of winning if she was going to lose it all?

The two stood in the balcony of the Presidential Palace in silence. She stared at the dimly lit garden below. Her thoughts were a scattered mess like a storm had ravaged her mind. Yet it was organized enough for her to know exactly what she had to do next.

"What's better: being happy or being alive?" Sera asked without thinking. "Or better yet ambition or happiness?"

Her guard stood still staring at her floral lace covered back before taking off his coat and draping it over her shoulders. He took his place, taking a step back and then cleared his throat. "That's a personal question."

"You're right. We're not close enough for me to ask you that." She said with a wry smile. "Forgive me for stepping over the line."

Scarus licked his lips and took off his hood, revealing his scarred face. He ran his finger through his blood-colored hair, frustrated at how helpless he was. Perhaps, someone like Finnick Odair would be better with comforting others but not him. He couldn't even comfort himself. Sweet nothings were not his forte.

"I don't know what it's like to have a family." Her guard admitted quietly as the clouds parted and moonlight escaped its prison to shed some light on his scarred face which he believed to be so hideous. His yellow-gold eyes shone brightly for once as he tried to recall what little fond memories of his family he might have had. There weren't many. "My godfather—I know you don't like the Minister but he was the closest I had to a family. The only one who saw me—my potential. My little brother was the second but I could never bridge the gap between us—it was my fault."

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