chapter 8

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(A/n: I bet you gonna enjoy the chapter ;))

You are disgusting Anton Romano. Not only you but your good for nothing best friend too. You think bullying is fun. Huh? Your best friend is bullying a blind girl and instead of stopping him you are helping him.

You are a Monster. Your friend is also a monster. In fact now I don't even doubt why you didn't stop him" She spoke. Whole time keeping her Eyes on Anton.

After taking a deep breath she again spoke

"But Remember one thing. Even after having money and being rich if you think bullying is something fun then you are still cheap and poor and will be poor untill you renew your thinking"

With that Lia grabbed Hazel's hand and left the cafe leaving everyone speechless and two burning in anger.


Author's Pov..

Lia kept dragging hazel to somewhere. Hazel followed her with keeping her head low. Her tears were flowing continuously.

Lia made her sit in the passenger seat and got in the driver seat herself. Switching on the engine she drove out of the campus. Hazel kept wiping her tears with trembling hands.

She looked to her right and asked Lia " Where are we going ?"

Lia took a deep breath and then replied " Don't worry. I know You don't like skipping lectures we still have half an hour till the lunch gets over. Let's get you cleaned and we'll come back"

Hazel smiled at how much Lia cares about her. "Thank you" She whispered. Lia smiled.

They went to Lia's home and Lia gave Hazel her sweatshirt and guided her to the bathroom.

Hazel quickly washed her hairs in the basin and came out wearing the sweatshirt. Lia blow dried her hairs with the hair dryer. And combed them a little.

The lecture was to start in five minutes. Quickly getting in the car. The were off for the college.

Reaching the college they went to there class. Reaching the class they felt all the gaze snap towards them. Dylan and Anton looked at them bored.

Lia rolled her eyes and grabbed Hazel's hand and guided her to the two empty seats beside the window. They both sat and concentrated on the lecture.


It was the last period when they all were leaving for the music function held in the auditorium. Hazel was really excited since she loved music to death. She couldn't take part in it because Dylan threatened her.

Just thinking about him a shiver ran down her poor spine

As soon as they reached there the music teacher called Hazel to the back stage and definitely Lia followed her best friend to where her teacher was taking.

The teacher was in late forties and her name was Joan.

"What happened Miss joan " Hazel asked softly. She could already feel the tension in the room.

After a moment of silence Ms. Joan spoke "Well as you know today is the day for the music competition and many other reputed colleges are coming to perform " Hazel nodded slowly.

"The girl who was about to perform couldn't come since she got in an accident while coming here . So I want you to perform" The teacher said and Hazel's eyes widened.

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