Chapter 23

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•°•I like being alone, 

because I should be true to myself

Like the flowing wind

Like the stars above the clouds

I want to go far away, 

I want to shine brightly°•°


Author's Pov. 

Now let me introduce you all to my real family." He smirked and asked one of his men to bring them inside. Everyone’s heart thudded wildly in their chests as they all looked at the entrance of the mansion door. 

The door was slammed open and two people entered inside. Everyone froze as soon as they recognized one of the people.

“No it can’t be” Dylan mumbled still in a state of disbelief looking who was in front of him.

There stood Abigail with a sick smirk on her face

Everyone was stunned looking at Abigail. Meanwhile 

hazel was confused because obviously she didn’t know who was standing there. 

Abigail noticed it and her smirk widened looking at the confused hazel. She leisurely walked in followed by none other than her mother. 

Everyone saw her mother and Abigail was a typical carbon copy of her mother. Same eyes. Same hairs. Even the bitchy aura they carried was same. Dylan clenched his jaw looking at them. 

He saw some difference in his dad and frowned. Something was not at all right. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He saw how Abigail gave him a flying kiss making him cringe. 

She walked past him and now stood directly in front of a kneeling hazel who had no idea what was going on. Abigail bent down as she placed her hands on her thighs looking sickly at hazel. She tapped her nose twice making hazel flinch

“How are you doing hazel?” she now stood straight as the words left her mouth

Hazel froze. Her body went numb as finally everything started clicking in.

Let me introduce you all to my real wife and daughter

Abigail was Kevin’s daughter.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and released a shaky breath. She couldn’t understand what to feel. One part of her wanted to feel anger for what Dylan did to her. One part wanted relief that she wasn’t the reason of Aunt Melisa’s death.  

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