Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

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Third Person POV:

Mr.L groaned as he shook his head, leaning upright. He had landed stomach first to the floor, but thankfully his hands had covered his face so he didn't have a broken nose or anything. Standing himself upright, he opened his eyes as he dusted himself, regaining his footing and senses.

"What the heck just HAPPENED?" Mr.L wondered out loud, "Where did I just..."

Mr.L trailed off as he looked ahead. He was no longer in the mirror hall, and he was quite certain that he wasn't in the palace either. In front of him appeared to be an entire VILLAGE! But not a village that Dimentio conjured up for his 'perfect world', no, this village looked reminiscent of Flipside and Flopside back when the worlds still existed.

This Flipside or Flopside was rustic, with no machinery or electricity in sight. There were also no people to be seen. Mr.L started forward warily, glancing around every which way.

"I thought that he got rid of everything..? Did Dimentio MAKE this place?" Mr.L questioned, "Why did I get here from a MIRROR?"

Mr.L continued to look around, trying to spot anything that could help answer his questions. As he came to the end of the dirt road he was walking, he came face-to-face with a shop of sorts. It looked run-down, yes, but there were PEOPLE inside! They all wore cloaks, there were four people, tops.

"Hey! Hey, you guys!!!" Mr.L exclaimed, running up to the store.

One man walked outside of the store, readjusting a sign on the window saying that the place was now closed. He had dark skin, from what Mr.L could tell, and an equally dark-colored cloak. Mr.L quickly jogged up to this man.

"OH THANK GRAMBI! I thought that I would never see another person for the rest of my game!" Mr.L exclaimed, "How are you and those others here?! What is this place?! How did you all survive?!"

Mr.L paused to catch his breath and wait for an answer only to get none. The man seemed to ignore him and continued to fiddle with signs outside the shop, not even registering him being there.

"Uh, HELLO?" Mr.L said, waving a hand in front of him, "HEY! I'm talking to you!"

Mr.L went to tap the man's shoulder only for his hand to go through him. The man in green yelped in surprise and pulled his hand back, the cloaked guy still paying him no mind.

"W-what the heck?!" Mr.L exclaimed, "Am I DEAD?!"

Mr.L questioned the possibility for a moment but then realized that The Underwhere NOR The Overthere existed anymore. He couldn't have been dead. But that could only mean that this man wasn't actually real, which could be the only reason he didn't hear, see, or feel him.

"Is this just another illusion from Dimentio's mirror?" Mr.L asked himself as three more men in cloaks came out of the shop, "Dimentio always did like his illusions... But then why wouldn't he want me to see them?"

Suddenly, a shingle from the roof fell and shattered at the cloaked mens' feet. They all turned to look at it, not noticing as the door to the shop slammed open behind them. Mr.L could only watch and gawk as a young man in a light purple cloak quickly bolted out of the shop, bunches of food in his arms, and a multicolored Pixl butterfly flying close behind him.

"What in the..?" Mr.L trailed off.

All of the cloaked peoples' heads whipped around to see the fugitive sprint off with their goods and began to give chase, shouting and yelling as they went. The man with the Pixl just kept huffing as he ran, clearly not the best at running. Mr.L watched as he sprinted off, gawking as he was left with nothing there. As soon as the other people left, the entire area seemed to disintegrate, leaving only Mr.L and a mirror so he could leave.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now